
I’ve been shocked at the rationalizations people in relationships will believe/tell themselves to believe, but on one level, when you invest heavily in a relationship, and in your perception of your partner as a certain (good) kind of person, it can be almost a (very short term, admittedly) survival mechanism.

he says hunched and noodles and i am sure it was fancy noodles but i am just imagining gollum hunched over noodles with butter.

Right? At least put her out of her misery with the truth at last. I ended a relationship because I found evidence of something untoward, and my ex just denied denied denied. I was like “Please, please, please, just admit it so I know, so I’m not left with this doubt. We’re over. No question. Just give me some relief

It's like an emotional version of the sunk cost fallacy.

What he wants from this exchange is enforcement of the sort of old fashioned, seemingly arbitrary etiquette rules that used to clearly define the differences in class between those being served and those serving. The dinner should be a presentation and the server should be a part of his atmosphere. They should know

Like a lot of things, this depends on context. Several people have already mentioned the key factors in favor of stacking: if you’re in a casual dining restaurant, if you do it right by stacking the biggest plates on the bottom, then small plates, then bowls, then silverware (never stack glasses, and never stack

We’re (servers) FORCED to pre-bus by management. I ALWAYS ask, and will respect the wishes of customers who do not want their plates cleared. I’m in no way rushing ANYONE, nor am I trying to make slow eaters feel bad. I’m simply doing what I have been told to do by management.

Damn this is snarky as hell. Just because you find people forcibly changing their eating habits for one another polite doesn’t mean it necessarily is. You really should stop trying to imply that people who don’t act the way you want are inherently rude. is expecting a server/busboy to collect every single thing off the table at the same time consistent with being “polite”? Should I also only get more water if everyone else is, time my drinking so that we all order a second drink at the same time etc etc? How far does this one table one pace logic go?

I maybe the only one to think this (I haven’t read all the comments), but I do have to give this guy some props on being one of the biggest pieces of shit and still run with it after the confrontation. “Engaged”! Classic. Total classic. He never missed a beat.

You say “eat a dick” like that’s a bad thing...

I have never thought of it that way, that it points out that one person finished their meal first. I’m not really bothered by that. It seems silly. Who cares? If it were to bother me at all it is because it is an unnecessary interruption. Really, though, it’s not that hard to say “thanks” or “no, thanks.”

Technically, that isn’t on the server. If you want to go all Emily Post on this shit, it it the responsibility of the person who is eating their meal like a fucking shop-vac to slow their roll and eat like a human. It’s the same as if I am walking with my grandma. I slow down to her pace, because it is the polite

Service staff do a job I would not have the psychological capacity to perform for two minutes, so I make it a point never to take my frustration at a restaurant’s policies out on the people who carry out those policies. I’ve had a few absolutely terrible meals (Thanksgiving dinner 2014 was an almost epic shambles on

My restaurant requires we check in after 2 bites. But I will say their are plenty of people who need it bc you go back to check and they forgot they needed hot sauce or a1 sauce or more napkins.

The other night I was eating a plate of noodles, and enjoying it. I was out to dinner with a friend, hunched over a meal we had been planning for weeks. The restaurant was newly opened and highly regarded. Life was good. And the food was great.

He also sought out a sociologist from Berkeley to address the rampant shortage of blue cheese plaguing chicken wing orders.

I will never understand this attitude. I HATE the two minute check or whatever it’s called, when the waiter comes over to see if everything’s okay when you have taken 0-2 bites of your food. But it would never occur to me to blame the waiter for that. It literally happens at every single restaurant. Does he think all

I couldn’t fit this in the post itself, but it made me laugh:

Why the hell does he even care about his dirty but otherwise empty dish being cleared away? Why does he *want* that thing in front of him? Seriously? I have no problem with servers pre-bussing. I always figured it wasn’t to get me out the door quicker, but to increase the chance I’ll order dessert and give them an