
I barely studied for the test, which was stupid. Also, I was super tired and just when I was wishing for coffee and food the most, I started smelling pizza through the vents (there was a Pizza Hut express downstairs in the student lounge.) That was like torture. I still did ok, but not great, and got into grad school

I hear ya. I was super hungover when I took it and Spent the twenty minute break curled up on the love seat in the lady's bathroom. For those judging me for getting drunk the night before a $200 test.. It was dollar Bowling night And pitchers of beer were only $5!! Anyways I just finished my first year of grad school

I’m not sure why this is news. Didn’t we all do this in sophomore Lit class after coming home drunk at 3am on exam day? No? Okay, move along. Nothing to see here.

Perry swiftly got news of which way the internet was shaking.

Re: The increasingly clearly non-existent feud between Perry and Swift:

Considering all the bodily fluids that married couples cheerfully share on a regular basis, the horror of occasionally using the same toothbrush seems fairly arbitrary. I’m not saying it would thrill me, but if I’m happy to have a man’s dick in my mouth, drawing the line at his toothbrush would be more than a little

*sadly throws away pitchforks and bedazzled #TEAMTAYLOR jerseys*

If you stop paying attention to him and penning articles about him, he will eventually go away. Don’t believe me? Take a tip from Mr. PAUL ANKA!

You’d probably have to blow it into her butt like Stevie Nicks.

I was at a Tigers game that rained out a few years ago with my son. Running to the car we noticed there was a show at the Fillmore across the street and decided to tryn hustle some cheap tickets if possible. Mainly to get out of the rain, we scored a pair of Snow Patrol tickets for $17 (I'd never even heard of them).

i can’t figure out if it’s the perfect nose for cocaine or if one half line of cocaine would collapse her whole face...

I thought of it immediately (and often). I’m always holding my boobs without being aware. Mr.R is always like “Ixnay on the oobbay oldhay.”

You killed me with “birth face adjacent.”

the plot twist is that kim kardashian is naya rivera’s tyler durden.

Let’s be fair to Naya she’s way more birth face adjacent than Kim is even if she is totally biting her style.

I think, yeah, absolutely someone will hire you to ghostwrite Naya Rivera’s memoirs.

Would you like an award? A butt award? I’m sure I can print you up a certificate from Microsoft Word.

I know I’m supposed to revere Bob Dylan, but...really? “Changes the world”? The generation he supposedly spoke for has virtually destroyed the economy and the planet (not to mention continually engaging in pointless wars), and are pretty much comprised of entitled, pushy assholes who scorn every other generation that

Miley Cyrus is living my best life in this photo shoot and it is making me irrationally angry.

You shut your mouth about Uncle Jimbo!