
I’m here for the baby photos - don’t let me down commenters! Let the irony FLOW through you!

I’m a dick, this is what I’m really thinking

Us Eastern European ladies generally have big/broad frames. I’m just an inch shorter than your fiancee and I look emaciated at 150!

Word. I’m mostly just happy she said 160! Out loud!

You realize that 160 for someone who is 5’ is much different than someone who is 6’, right? The raw weight value is practically meaningless.

Catch a falling dick and put it in your pocket.


My assumption is always that famous people are very short and that this makes the tiny sizes make more sense. My body as a whole looks slightly thinner than hers but because I am a giant I wear a MUCH larger size.

I want a “Catching Dick” T-shirt now

So according to these comments ‘catching a dick’ isn't something to brag about because men will fuck anyone. This is not true. At all. And this idea really screwed up my self esteem in high school and college. I honestly thought I was the only woman on the planet who couldn’t get laid.

HAHAHAHA you think 160lbs is the domain of chubby chasers.

Just tell them they’re not that attractive and you don’t know who let them talk. Maybe if they were hotter you would listen to their opinions.

You know that, and I know that, and every woman knows she can have sex with almost any guy she wants, but our culture acts as though men would never fuck a woman who is even one pound overweight.

And yet there are actual real film journalists who say she’s too “chubby” and “not conventionally attractive” to star as a romantic lead capable of getting Bill Hader’s D.

Weight as a number is so goddamn misleading.

I am the most foul speaking person on the planet. Seriously I could offend the most disgusting of humans. But I feel like that sentence would have been more impactful if she said “vagina”. I HATE the word ‘pussy’.

Dear Amy and Mindy,

And of course I heard someone say “She’s not even that attractive and she’s not funny. I don’t know who let her be on tv. Maybe if she was hotter I would watch her show”

Well, according to some people being over a certain weight means you're unfuckable. So I can see what she's saying here.

bitch continues to be my hero