
Not enough malk with Vitamin R:

No, but i’ve seen it (with seasonings) and it looks SO GOOD. Now I must eat it. And i’m so hungry right now.

“I get two paychecks this way.”

“Better a hundred innocents suffer than one freeloader get a free lunch.”

I haven’t worn makeup in years other than a little lip color. I feel like a clown in makeup. If I wore anything other than a little lip color the people in my life would be flabbergasted. My facial skin isn’t perfect - I have age(?) spots, wonky eyebrows, and a weird ring around my mouth from sun damage. But it's mine

Here’s something to consider: you likely have very clear, smooth skin genetically. Yes, you may have also taken good care of it, but you probably have the kind of skin that would look great even if you didn’t. My sister is one of those people. She’s always had perfect, unblemished, poreless skin (yes, they’re there,

This is actually why I stopped wearing makeup. I wanted my normal appearance to be me, not me with makeup. People get used to thinking you look “healthy” without makeup if that’s how they know you all the time. Though, if you ever think about wearing makeup, you get the opposite side of the comments. “What’s the

Minus a few cookies, this sounds very similar to lunch I might have had. More often we had peanut butter sandwiches, but it doesn’t sound that different to me. And it seems like a lot of schools ban peanut butter now, so cheese sandwich might be common.

YES THIS. If I’ve been off sick and I know that the reasons for my absence have been treated with skepticism, I don’t wear eye makeup upon my return. Instant credibility.

I totally do that. I do not wear make up when I want some sympathy. Because everyone will say how pale and under the weather I look which is actually JUST MY FACE


Somebody suggested this the last time this topic came up, and I’ve leaned in hard too! If I know I want to work from home a given day, I won’t wear makeup the day before. People look at my unlined/dark-circled eyes and will actually tell me to ‘take it easy, skip the commute tomorrow’ - goal achieved!

First day back from playing hooky? No makeup. FTW

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her...

Total side note. But I don’t care how minimally talented Josh Hartnett is, I am still so fucking sad he isn’t a big star. He is so damn pretty.

I fucking hate space before an ellipsis.

I can’t promote the continued ignorance of men who have no fucking idea women wearing tactical stealth makeup count as wearing makeup, so Team ALL MAKEUPS. Spread awareness for the benefit of the human race, sheeeeeeeeple.

What is prettiest in life? Crushing your enemies. See them being driven before you. Hearing the lamentations of their women.

This aggression cannot stand.