
This is kind of making me want to try bingo now.

Yes, they are all cults, but it doesn’t change the fact that Smart is an intelligent person who very much appears to have a mind of her own. She has spoken out AGAINST her religion and upbringing.

You are much more likely to be made sick by a pet reptile or bird but you don’t see many alarmist articles about bird dander do you? ‘Woman develops black lung disease from living with pet bird’ is about as likely as this.

My mom used to live next door to a guy in his 80s who gave her what must have amounted to at least $1000 worth of plants and chopped wood that he stole from the Kroger. In the middle of the day. Because he seriously did not give any fucks at all.

Don't ask me why but my husband used to go and play Bingo with a couple friends when we were dating (I can't explain but he loved it and the old people) and he always had the CRAZIEST stories about how serious people were about it. And it's not like we lived in Hicksville. We lived in Washington DC for fucks sake.

Oh my. I got s little tingle from that gif

Yeah, I can’t be the only one concerned about an old man just happening to have an ice pick in his car and being willing to use it. If this is what he does now, what was he doing in his prime?

Trust me, that’s totally true. I’m 64 and definitely out of fucks to give.*

I was born with toxoplasmosis and have it in my eyes. Sometimes it flares up and I can go temporarily pretty blind until the ton of steroids I’m prescribed kick in. But apparently people who have toxo in other places, like their leg or arm, if it flares up it does nothing, they have no symptoms. It does sound very

Shoulda picked a better getaway vehicle.

I got my second cat because my former roommate found out she was pregnant, and the father of the baby insisted that he didn’t want a cat around a newborn. I took him in and things have been kosher, but he’s a bit of a reactive cat when it comes to external stimuli like noises or overpetting, so it would have just been

‘It was Fred Smith! In the parking lot! With an ICE PICK!’ The geriatric Floridian version of Clue.

Club Florida has everything; bingo, tire slashing, ice picks, old people getting territorial over chairs, and feuds.

At least he ragrets it tho and will be dead soon.


That impressed me too. Just making her life her own story, having it be about what SHE does rather than what was done TO her, is a notable achievement. ETA on that note, kudos for not mentioning the abductor’s name. This isn’t his story!

Matt LeBlance was a decent comedic actor when he had a straight man to work against, like Ross and Chandler.

You are not doing anything wrong! You are great and fabulous and those loser bros can fuck the fuck off. I know that doesn’t make it better when you just want someone to make out with at the movies, GODDAMNIT (I may be projecting a little here), but that little voice in your head? The one that tells you if you were

This happened to me a lot. It turns out that they were looking for something simpler. I am not simple. I am extremely complicated and complex, and I embrace that, but most people don’t want to bother.