
My friend visited Italy for part of his program in college (for like a semester), and he said the food was AMAZING. And fresh! You get fresh foods for so much less than you can get it in a lot of places in America.

No, but it could. Better safe than sorry. Plus, it’s getting to be very annoying now that people are starting to do it everywhere.

Thanks for considering that there are actually people living there! I live in the center of Amsterdam and have to remind tourists all the time of the fact that this is not a amusement park, but that there are people living here.

It is everywhere. I hope they cut off the locks that started appearing near the liberty flame at Pont de L’Alma. I feel like walking around with bolt cutters myself. I have harassed tourists about it if I caught them trying. I ran away with one couple’s lock and took it home to recycle.

Shirl’s been a dom for 25 years. Good to know

There’s a few of them started appearing on the bridge across from my work in the past few weeks. Cos nothing says ‘romance’ like a padlock clipped on to a rusty footbridge across the Clyde, three feet from a motorway bridge, in between a Gala casino and a housing estate. :|

The intersection where Sun Studios is located in Memphis is a notorious place for tourists to get hit by oncoming traffic. A better idea is to just buy one of the many available photos/ postcards/ placards, etc. of Sun Studios. But I guess then it wouldn’t be on a mobile phone, for facebook bragging. Agree, never go

Just get tattoos. Then the pain of removal is all yours.

I’m feeling cynical today so my first thought was- who cares? most of those couples probably already broke up anyway so meh. Why are people wasting time in Paris doing this anyway? Don’t they know there are crepes to be eaten? Crepes with nutella and peanuts???

Stuff like this always reminds me of the time when I went to London. I wanted to visit Abbey Road and did and saw all the messages written on the gates outside and then thought, you know, why don’t I take my shoes off and walk across the road.


I got side-eye because my baby girl (which you could only tell because I’d stuck her in these stupidly cute pink, ruffled, flower-print swim bottoms) didn’t have a shirt. I put her in the equally stupidly cute green bottoms with elephants and everyone at the pool is all smiles for my handsome little man.

You’re getting it all wrong. Only Good Christian married women should be having sex and getting pregnant (otherwise you’re just a whore who couldn’t keep her legs together and deserve what you get).

I read once (or maybe saw on the Daily Show?) that Christians/Republicans only love babies at the moment they’re crowning, not before when women need affordable healthcare and support during pregnancy, and not after when parents need paid maternity leave and/or welfare to survive.

As we all know, the best way to protect women and their unborn children is to take away their job and leave them unemployed and unable to meet their material needs. Nothing says “we care about babies” like leaving an expectant mother unable to buy food or seek medical care. *Thumbs up*

I worked as a nurse during my pregnancies, and I’ve been slapped, punched, kicked, spit on, bit, and had things thrown at me. I’ve had big patients go dead weight on me during a transfer on purpose. If you’re pregnant, you get a couple of co-workers to help you deal with a problem patient. Actually, even if you’re not

I worked as a nurse in geri-psych for a decade. The big locked units. We had gals that were pregnant all the time. You adjust assignments so they don’t take the most violent of the patients. If you have patients that are that out of control at all times, then your facility has a lot deeper problems, and all staff

I worked at a nonprofit whose mission was to protect children and families.

I work in higher Ed and during my recent pregnancy my employer constantly threatened me. First they wanted me to take the semester off (with no pay no health insurance). When I declined- they tried to say I could only take 2 weeks off, even after having qualified for FMLA. Then when I took 6 weeks off, they tried to

Well, of course they had to fire her. Pregnancies are contagious, after all.