
Everything about what all of these posters went through haunts me.

I remember a couple of events in 7th Grade so about 12. I had a broken thumb. A boy in class that sat in front of me told everyone around us that I broke my thumb "twatting off". I didn't even know what that meant, but the way he was chuckling with the other boys I could make a pretty good guess. He kept saying that

Since we all might need a slightly happier tale, here’s a great response teachers can have when alerted to this, via a PE coach I had in sixth grade. I switched schools halfway through the year to escape bullying, and on my first day at the new one I was trying not to make waves. During PE I was just kind of hanging

When I hit puberty and started getting boobs a little, one of my parents’ best friends said something to me that I think honestly colored the relationship from then on for me. The best friend in question was the male half of a married couple sans kids (not that the childfree thing matters, except maybe he was not

Please tell your daughters it is perfectly lady like and adorable to kick any man right in the nutsack if they make any kind of questionable advance.

Who are all these people who think that announcing “I’m not racist” is the same as apologizing for saying something racist? And do they actually think that works? It’s like the idiotic retroactive version of “I’m not racist, but [incredibly racist statement].”

I always imagined the toes would go in first. This looks like the dude is growing a foot out of his mouth. Terrifying.

I am not on anyone’s team but a couple things occurred to me:

I think ABC absolutely reached out to Kris and she said no comment because she thinks Bruce transitioning reflects badly on her. When the interview aired and millions of people showed their support, she felt stupid and tried to save face. Also, yes, I’m sure they weren’t going to pay her for a comment so instead of

Kris went on to call Bruce Jenner her hero, and said she was proud to have also called him her husband for 25 years. But Bruce painted a different picture during the interview, saying that, while Kris is a good person whom he loves, they might have still been together if she’d been really understanding of his

There’s a careless assumption that Dads wouldn’t be up in arms about a caretaker hating their children—keeping on top of this sort of thing is “woman’s work.” But I know that if this was my niece and nephew’s teacher my brother would be furious. If it were my children’s teacher my husband would be appalled, and they

A acquaintance of mine, who works with autistic children, once said that they are all “retarded” and that she hates her job and thinks the kids are disgusting. If I had facebook proof of her feelings you’re damn skippy I would send it to the parents of the children she teaches. I would do the same if a teacher posted

The people who need child care most are too tired to riot.

They say fired but she never really started the job, so I hardly see the actions of the day care center being all that callous. More like, “Yeah, I’m not sure this job is really a good fit for us or you, being that you hate being around groups of kids.”

I don’t even post vague things anymore. My boyfriend once posted a meme/e card with something about hating everyone at work and then put my name in a comment underneath (not even tagged in the post). My boss, who is not friends with my boyfriend on Facebook, called me within an hour to ask me if there was anything I

If you have an open dislike of children, chances are you’re not going to be as patient with them when they act like children and not in a cute or funny way. Children are erratic, emotional, defiant, and in some cases extremely cruel. It takes patience, and lots of it, to work with them and (hopefully) correct bad

Jesus, really? You’re gonna condemn the moms whose kids this woman “hates being around” and hates taking care of for a living when she’s fired for publicly admitting that as “suburban busybodies with nothing better to do?” Moms have plenty to do, including work for a living and having to send their kids to be cared

It’s a little condescending to call concerned parents “suburban busybodies.” If a teacher at my kids daycare was foolish enough to publicly proclaim her hate for children I’d want her nowhere near them. Sure, name-calling is awful, but she tapped into the working parent’s greatest source of anxiety—that they’ve

Hey, good news. She doesn’t have to work with kids anymore. EVER.

I can’t believe we’re blaming the gossiping “mommy set” in this situation. Did she deserve to be called a dumb bitch with the bubonic plague? No. But did she deserve to lose her job? AbsoLUTELY.