
When I worked at the Irish pub (managed the awesome, baseball bat-wielding Sinead), some of our regulars were a couple with their seven-year-old son. They’d usually come in on the early side for dinner, and they were just lovely people. Their son, Jake, in particular, was delightful. After the parents placed their

I used to work as a pizza delivery driver and I had one day that had just been particularly shitty tip-wise. I had a lot of orders to this financial institution that on par would order upwards of $50 of food per order and tip around $2.

I know that it’s great to complain and god damn do we need to vent but it’s always awesome to read these.

This will probably get buried in the greys but I want to share this one. So I’m a manager at a small hotel in Brighton, UK, and a couple of nights ago a mother and daughter came into the bar (it’s normally residsuonts only and pretty tiny) and had a few glasses of wine. The mother is very outgoing and starts to tell

Apology pizza is a great concept, and looks to be the real life version of the fictional, but delicious looking jerk chicken apology nachos.

I wonder if it’s an OCD thing. I worked at a Kinko’s in college and we had a regular customer who had very detailed requirements about how we printed his receipt and gave it to him. He got particularly attached to me and one other co-worker because not only did we always do it his way, but when a new person was

Keith’s coffee stirring story was probably a customer with some form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD is not being overly orderly or neat as it is commonly used - though it can be a part of it). If that’s the case good on him for indulging the request for someone who likely has trouble dealing with his

I still don’t know what drove that woman to be so rude in the first place. Even if you think you’re right, why? That said, good on her for such a comprehensive and sincere apology, and hopefully it’ll prevent her from behaving like that in the future.

OH MY GOD! This made me recoil in horror thinking of the angels in disguise I’ve dealt with as a server. I have crippling social anxiety and rage directed pretty much toward anyone who is not a cat or koala, so serving is a little weird for me. It’s a challenge. It makes me interact with folks for money, though it 99%

Had my child perpetrated such a thing when he was small, you can bet I would’ve apologized, helped clean, and left a HUGE tip. I’m sorry that’s uncommon, damn.

About three weeks after I started waiting tables at a place that served alcohol (had worked at places that didn’t - tips suck in those places), I was bringing drinks out on a Saturday afternoon to a party of 8 that was watching some game in our bar area. One of the 8 was a 5(ish)-year-old child. The kid was restless

I feel the need to brag about something, because I KNOW how hard people have it who work in restaurants and bars, so I always try to be decent and good, and tip well no matter what.

A server once splashed beer on my jacket and arm while handing it to me. He was extremely apologetic. Because I am extremely clumsy, I just I told him, “It doesn’t really matter if it was you or me, that beer was going to end up on me at some point. No worries.”

I tipped 110% yesterday!

I’ve been the Sauvignon Blanc woman, only without being insulting or rude. I was sure I had not received a very expensive prescription - very, very sure (but no rudeness or insulting; that’s counterproductive and why do it). When I got home, I found the bottle had rolled under a cabinet. I went back the next day and

Shade Court verdict: Sauvignon Blanc Lady was not throwing shade. She was throwing straight up insults.

He sounds like the kind of guy who pisses into empties in his own living room.

Did you know that a man fell dead. Do you know that we do seven days of Halloween.

Let's start a GoFundMe for a can of gas and a book of fucking matches.

He rambled the whole time. I just listened, and typed.