
Women’s pajama pants have such absurdly short inseams (28”?) that that has never happened to me once since I hit puberty.

Sounds like somebody still remembers the first rule of Fight Club.

She writes in a ‘down with the kids’ style which she hasn’t got a handle of IMO, leading to things like this.

I like this comment because it’s immediately what I thought. But my second thought was “if a female actor had a picture looking this aged, she’d be crucified”. It’s sad that men are allowed to age and women aren’t.

Seriously, that line was just plain tacky. And sexist. Who are those women anyway? I have no idea, but they deserve better.

Flanked by A-list pussy...

This! A few years ago I went to camp out solo in the lines for a pop concert (I LOVE this artist, and after a horrible experience in the nosebleeds, I was determined to be close to the stage this time). I’m nearing 30, no one my age wanted to go with me. One more caveat: I live and work in a cramped urban neighborhood

Yep. In the shoe department at Dillard’s the other day, in my head I was all, “Let’s get some SHOES!”

You and the other people in the greys making ken doll jokes are really not funny, you know. That’s super offensive and rude.

This is why on first dates I’m always like

When my son got caught smoking pot on campus at HS (and at the parent/principal/student meeting was asked by the principal what happened to make him go from F’s to A’s and B’s recently), the punishment was this: if you had extracurricular activities you had to quit; if you didn’t you had to join one. My son chose the

What does being transphobic have to do with this story? This man does not suffer from gender identity disorder, he suffers from penile agenesis.

First I was proud of the Kardashians, and now I’m tearing up over a “promposal”. What a week!

Clearly, we did not attend the same high school. The one where I was beat up on the regular, spit on while people cheered, had “faggot” chanted at me by a hundred kids when I entered the auditorium for a lecture class, endured taunts of “name your gender,” and spent hours under overturned garbage cans, while people

Gay marriage! Abortion for everyone! For trans kids to not kill themselves!

If you listen to all the things that the Christian Right claims are acts of Satan and things that Satan wants, he actually sounds like a really nice, kind person.

ARGH! It’s worse than I thought! Now Big Gay is taking our Book of Jobs!

If ever there was an argument for how fluid our constructs of gender and sex *actually* are, it is watching a person flip their sex hormones and watch how much it changes their body. Seriously, transphobic people- if people transitioning were doing something unnatural, why do their bodies get more traditionally

Absolutely. It really struck me that in the first video, she didn't even hear the term transgender until she was already in her twenties. All those years not even having the language to understand herself, there's no reason for that.