
That Brody... I know he is a douche, but man, he is handsome!

Aren't they? Even the one with the man ponytail is pretty hot.

I'm happy for Kendall. Putting aside the fact that already being famous means she won't have to deal with all the gross casting cast stuff that many young teen models have to in order to get their big break, Kendall is actually a really good model. She's gorgeous and modelesque and absolutely has the body for it. If

I think this guy is taking a leak.

"I dreamed a dream too, bitch!"

Although I'm not a fan of figure-skating inspired flesh-colored fabric, this is the best that Paula Patton has looked in forever. Is she doing something different these days? It looks like she lost 185 pounds.

She always gets it wrong. Unflattering neckline (I say this as somebody with a comparable chest) and a hemline that's at least three inches too long. The dress itself is nothing to write home about, but her look didn't have to be this terrible.

Her brows are too light.

Cory Monteith has been in every single in memoriam since he died. People need to get over his omission, especially since his most prominent film of his career was the Glee Concert movie. I thought the Academy did a good job this year but I thought the stand-alone Bette Midler song at the end was a bit much, especially

It was really, really bad. It would have been fine if he had someone with him who knew what they were talking about but he should not have been allowed to do that alone. "Here's Jessica Roberts," had me in a fit of giggles.

Wow, I cannot believe how much grief you are getting for this post. I grew up very christian (though lent was never really practiced) but am not any more. You are clearly asking for just a little sensitivity, not trying to be the religion police on here. People are taking you way out of context. And the truth is, if a

I am probably the only person here who sees Jared Leto and automatically thinks of Steve Prefontaine. Dude was AMAZING in that movie, even had the running style down tight. Also I love Jennifer Lawrence. I can't help myself.

So... you have irrefutable evidence that a person named Jesus never existed or was tortured and killed for his teachings?

I swear to spaghetti monster that I don't want to be this person, and I'm sorry for being this person, and I hate me for being this person, and I'm the one who clicked this headline...but these like six weeks are the least appropriate weeks to goof on Christianity. Maybe that makes it funnier; I get that,

you're an idiot.

Yeah, I don't think they should be OTC. They can mess up your hormones if not taken properly, and cause serious side effects. Not to mention that a lot of people don't take them correctly as-is, imagine if no one had a dr visit to initially go over them and how to reduce failures.

The thing is, if you don't like jokey/sarcastic headlines and articles, Gawkerverse is really not for you. This site has always handled very serious things in an irreverent manner (see the "rape rape" tag for another example), and it's hardly going to stop because you think it's inappropriate. If you don't like humor

My version of this is that after the total annihilation of humans (somehow, without a trace), the aliens will look at our artifacts, like mens shoes and womens shoes, and maybe underwear too, and determine that 2 different species lived side by side. The female species will be hypothesized to possess bird or horse

He should get fancy with it. Like put it in Veronica Lake waves or a classic French twist.

This calls for a celebration orgy!