
Well, it seems like you know that this guy is obviously bad news, and that the issue is not "should I end my wonderful marriage and get back with him" but rather, "should I tell my husband that this happened, and that I have feelings about it."

I'm going to ignore your egregious Riley comments (HE IS THE WOOOOORST) for the purpose of responding to what you wrote about Spike. I've always felt that the attempted rape was a really sloppy storytelling move, so I feel okay not making it the be-all and end-all of Spike's characterization in my head (although the

Oh, entitled parent who want special treatment because they have kids. Railing against the system in the US if fine, but don't make your kids your cowokers problem. They are NOT.

There's definitely grace involved in how the LW is acting, I don't know how she could handle it with more grace - she's not acting badly towards the kids, she brought it up with the parents and is expressing sympathy for their problems. She's looking outside herself to try to find a solution that's agreeable for

Nope. Her co-workers need to be more professional. End of.

I do not think I've ever heard the phrase, "I liked the Riley episodes" before. Where did you learn it?

Honestly, I'm just happy that they seemed to have found their way in the world. I know there was some partying at a certain point in their lives, but given the amount of fame they were exposed to at an early age, they've actually turned out okay.

It's funny because Anthony Stewart Head mentioned in an interview that his accent approximated the correct accent, but wasn't exactly right.

I'll take Giles...

Not even Ripper Giles. Sexy fuddy-duddy Giles for me.

I JUST found that out this year. I was at a Q and A he did at a convention, and I wanted to cry :P Then he sang for us, and everything was good in the world again.

Oh, please!

On one hand, Spike tried to rape her.

How in the world is this "classic victim-blaming"? You mean a reality television star with an abundance of wealth who does anything to get attention in the public sphere is a "victim"? She made the public decision to be an escort to make some more cash. You using that term so casually ends up weakening what it

I felt super guilty for that being the first thing I took away from this story. Now, much less so.

Nope, please try again. The largest class of anti-depression medications, SSRIs, were designed specifically for depression.


They aren't ridiculously talented. Beyonce can sing but her songs are laughably stupid. Jay-Z used to be the whole package.. but now sounds like some old/faded rapper.. rapping about how great/rich he is. Kanye...? Kanye jumped the shark creatively a while ago... we're just watching his fame putter out now, marrying

No actually, the vast majority of anti0depressants do not interfere with hormonal birth control.

Those studies included people with lower levels of depression. People with serious clinical depression ARE helped by the drugs. I'm one of them, and neither you nor Tom Cruise will take them away from me.