
Oh good. Let's quibble about phrasing and tell a sexual assault survivor she's wrong about her feelings. Rad.

I will always, always be disappointed that Blake Lively ended up being the huge breakout star of Gossip Girl. Leighton is so much cooler. Especially since she married Seth Cohen. Lively just got the failed Green Lantern.

Sometimes its nice to have a permanent reminder of who you were.

I was under the impression that a sky symbol is already the only way to communicate with Jeff Goldblum...?

I think I'm in lesbians with Rihanna. She's like the chick version of the bad boy you have a huge crush on in high school.

Speak for yourself. I am stridently anti-pants.

That, and if she didn't keep popping out new babies for her older kids to spend all their time babysitting, they might go off and have lives and ideas of their own.

My wife and I have been married for 20 years. We have four teens that are 17 months apart. To be clear, that means we had ALL our kids within 17 months, because three are triplets. If a "healthy marriage" was about sex, we'd have been divorced loooong ago. "You have to be available when he calls" is utter garbage.

Blah blah diamonds are the worst wake up sheeple blah blah blah I love my blood diamond it's so sparkly blah blah all my jewelry is made of hemp blah.

Good heavens, why are you shouting the words "vaginal atrophy?" I understand that this sounds horrific to someone who is, perhaps, many years away from menopause, but all it means is that the tissues in the vaginal canal become dry and more's not quite as if the whole thing shrinks up and goes away. How

Thank you for this comment. As a "highly functioning" addict of many decades (prominent job & career), I agree. I earn a 6 figure salary and own a beautiful home. I'm very good at my job. I'm also a contented addict and I don't really know when I'll be ready to quit because I've done so well for so long and frankly, I

I want to like this essay, but I don't. In fact, I hate it.

Not to make this about me, but...from my perspective, addiction isn't always pain, or horrible dull ache, or a lot of those things (though it can be). Quite simply, addiction is the feeling that your drug of choice is the answer. Answer to what? Well, that changes. Answer to boredom. Answer to stress. Answer to

For some reason, PSH's death made me think about what addiction feels like, if that even makes sense. Is it pain? Is it a constant, gnawing ache deep in your soul? What does a person with an addiction feel that makes them shoot up, snort, smoke, drink their drug of choice? For some reason, I just keep thinking it

If there's two lessons we don't stress enough it's that you can't make someone love you and that you cannot be obligated to love someone else.

I'm in a similar place right now. While I don't feel like it's a healthy situation either, I do think there's something to be said for having some extended alone time to clear my head without outside influences. I've known people that couldn't go a day without seeing and talking to multiple friends, and while I

I hate to say it, but I hope Wintour had the shoot arranged just to get him off her back and never uses the photos.

It's BECKHAM, you philistine!

No way is it a cover. It's probably a two page spread or so with a tiny article.