
I've got your three inches right h....

It turns out 1102 of his unread messages are from Jessica Coen. Thus the editorial hate.

Jesus Christ. You are aware that The Baja Men and Milli Vanilli have more Grammys than Nas right? I mean if you want to get outraged about something there's certainly better things than the fact that a talented radio friendly album beat out a more talented less radio friendly album.

Fuck this. Fuck all of these posts. Fuck them all. Really, Jezebel? How many fucking posts do we need today about how Macklemore shouldn't have won, how KL is the shit and should have won, and how Macklemore only won because he is white?

So what can be done?

Not particularly a Macklemore fan, not particularly a Macklemore hater either. He seems to be getting a lot of crap from this site today. Seems like a nice dude, not the most talented EVAR, but definitely not the least. He won some awards (that really don't make any difference in real life) and involved himself in

Wait, so... he was a nice guy, he actually tries to vouch for something that people care about, and we're still trying to decide whether to hate him or just hate him for being a white guy?

Just draw them on, like Uncle Leo!

Sooo... can anyone loan me $3,000?

I beg to disagree with your post. Versailles recently hosted an exhibition of the "art" of Jeff Koons (see ridiculous photo), engagement parties (costing a fortune, of course - it's Versailles, not a motel) can be booked there, and anyone with an 18th century-style costume can purchase tickets to the annual Versailles

I'm 5'11" but I love all those dresses. What I'm saying is get ready to see my pussy, America!

I agree! Her type of music is not normally to my taste, but some how her lyrics and music break through. I can't explain it, but every now and then a lyric of hers just gets me, "call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest" that just gets me. It breaks through my

Every time I see Taylor Swift in champagne gown, I want to be all YAAAAAWN, THERE'S TAYLOR SWIFT IN A CHAMPAGNE GOWN AGAIN. But she looks so gorgeous every fucking time. This one is no exception.

I am over the moon that Versailles turned them both down for the wedding.

Those two getting married somewhere like that? It's like having a donkey sex show in Buckingham Palace.

Oh no! Weren't you paying attention? It's not about the MONEY, it's about the logistics of planning a foreign wedding. Obviously if you are having a foreign wedding, a television network is your best (and really only) option. It's not like you could just hire a wedding planner to plan your foreign wedding. Only a

"Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing."

I'm no fan of T-Swift, but I actually felt kind of bad for her here. I think she was just on edge, and jumped the gun at the "R" sound. It's an honest mistake. She recovered really well, too, unlike the 2 dudes she's with.

For some reason he is some holy angel that mus never be forgotten even though he died in a totally predictable way. (Yes I despise Glee & everything about it, I wish it would fade into oblivion.)

If anyone cares, her amazing lipstick is Chanel Rouge Allure Incandescente #97. (I follow her makeup artist on Instagram.)

I am very fit, like lifelong ripped fit. If you are overweight and out of shape, struggling on the treadmill or whatever in front of me, gasping for air, and just trying to do something to feel better and you catch me looking at you for a brief moment….just know, it’s not judgment….its admiration.