
The italics make you seem wise. It's a good look.

I was literally going to write the exact same first sentence you did. Even starting it with “No no no”. The psilocybin was by far the most insufferable part of that story.

Yeah, exactly. My brother-in-law has a gorgeous tattoo for his sister who died in an accident. Every time I see it I just want to hug him. The piece itself though has such an amazing hopeful spiritual feel to it; whoever created it really did a beautiful job.

Dude your replies in this thread are SPOT ON. I think I love you.

It was apparently going to be an even bigger slap in the face than the time Katy used backup dancers wearing swimsuits similar to one that Taylor once wore. Katy Perry is such a fucking devil. We were all just having a fun feud, but she had to go and take it too far.

THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT! Like “Ooh, I’m copying your idea. Sick burn!” What???

HA this is one my favourite skits ever!

Ha! I have never seen one of those in real life. I've only seen that super horrible one that floats around the internets.

So that everyone knows you have a husband and a son and people love you and you're not a loser who is alone in life?!!!!?! Obviously.

That's such an amazing way to say No Children. I love it.

Not gonna lie I kinda want to go find Dan and have him give me a giant bear tattoo now.

Just get together and dress up like Vikings and/or Amazon warriors and roam the streets. There would be mass hysteria.

Hahhaha thank you! I never get tired of that GIF!

YES thank you. I’m 6’1 and in my early 20s I starved and ran my way down to 145lbs. I was BONES. Looking back is painful. And I still was never smaller than a size six.

6’1 Viking war chief reporting for duty!

Yes, I should have specified no BIG last minute issues! :) I'm sure there will be little things, I'm ok with that. Just as long as everyone stays healthy and I don't spill on my dress before the ceremony and we remember to get a marriage license!

It is so good. Dammit, I'm starving.

God I love Doris.

My bones are so brittle!
