Captain Planet and the Multicultural Ecoterrorists

True, now they just exacerbate my other open mouth sores.

Ted Drewes or bust.

The summer treat for me is a snow cone, which I will continue to enjoy in hot weather no matter how old I get. Unlike soft-serve, which may be less enjoyable in cold weather but maintains its basic appeal, snow cones and shaved ice are anathema to cold weather, while combining refreshment with saccharine, syrupy

I barely even noticed because Reggie Miller’s dorky dad awfulness is so irrepressible.

The best smoked fish is sable. Next question.

Alternatively, don’t.

When I taught at UW, Kshama would attend union meetings, rallies, and fundraisers on occasion. She was everything a politician should be. Embedded in the community, serving the best interests of her constituents and the general public alike, and deeply committed to positive change. Fiercely smart, passionate, and

Was this kid you?

Damn, yeah, that’s sound reasoning.

Only two? That’s the minor leagues.

Nah, flatulence.

What is this shit?

True, although he might be a cap casualty this offseason. Anyway, go Flyers!

I can understand that. Perhaps the only allegiance I still maintain is to the St. Louis Blues (grandfather was the team doctor from expansion in 1967 to the turn of the century, meaning we had free season tickets through my formative years), and that team has certainly been on that treadmill of successful mediocrity

I agree in part. Surely this is why the “process” is valued as such—it nakedly perpetuates the long con of delayed gratification that is team-building. It depends, however, on what one values in a team. I have long dropped most of my sports allegiances, having neither the time nor the inclination to invest in the

Yes. It isn’t necessarily quantifiable, and its not an even causation, but there is a relation between those two things.

It’s a faulty premise to begin with. Your perception of basketball then and now is shaded by the age at which you are and were experiencing each incarnation of the NBA. You stated in your first post that it “seemed” (so already we’re delving into a view skewed by perspective rather than fact) like every team had 1-2

Oh, right, back when the Bulls won 6 titles, the Rockets won 2, and the Pistons and Spurs bookended the decade. Or maybe you prefer the 80s, when the Lakers and Celtics won 8 out of 10 titles. Not that it’s even a particularly good measure, but more teams have won titles in this decade already than in the 90s or 80s.

Sigh, another hand-shaming story. Nobody ever focuses on the positives of ths (tiny hand syndrome). We can assemble watches, we can assemble choke-hazard toys, we can assemble assembly kits. They send our hands into the world’s tiniest coal mines, too small even for small Irish child laborers. And look there now, my

Those are all animals that Ted Cruz eats in his natural environment, a planet of slimy, blob-faced, amphibious cave dwellers who consume their prey whole and then regurgitate the bones.