Captain Planet and the Multicultural Ecoterrorists

I like the part of that story where Chandler recounts that the doctor wouldn’t clear him because, although his toe is fine, it might not be if he lands on someone’s foot or hyperextends it. That’s like saying your knee may be fine, but if you make a sudden cut and tear your acl, then you’ll have a torn acl.

Yes, these are things that are true.

My best guess is that he and Hanley are competing in a race to the athletic bottom wherein the “winner” gets that coveted DH spot opening up next year in the massive wake of the manatee currently occupying the spot.

Oh god, that’s fantastic.

“Two” true.

Won’t you leave him alone? He’s just a good ole boy who wants to play football, have fun, commit academic fraud, take HGH, bully naysayers, and plop his genitals on a woman’s face.

Even if the argument one forwards is that voting for Hilary is an act of (in this case, identity-based) duty, then that reductive thinking nonetheless belies a more complicated line of thinking. That is, the question of what most benefits a broadly-imagined version of feminism is one of representationality or image

Do you not know what a work is or are you surprised at their incredulity?

I don’t think two less charismatic people have ever been filmed together before, and that includes a great deal of D-level and worse porn and the Republican debates.

He just tweeted something very, very similar as more evidence of his completely undeserved persecution complex.