How the fuck does someone graduate Summa Cum Laude when they are homeschooled? What does that even mean?
I’d like to take this moment to remind everyone that it all started going downhill for Boston when Lauren Theisen referred to them as the ‘Tics.
The level of speculation in here is embarrassing.
It’s depression. Her focus was on her son, but she needed the most help. People who commit suicide are stuck in a rut of negative thinking they can’t easily escape from. Suicidal thought is typically the result of a diseased mind, unable to make good decisions about alternative options. Most who attempt it and fail…
I can’t imagine how desperate she must have felt, having what appears to be shared custody with her abuser.
You Nailed It.
The gun makers. Sporting good stores that sell firearms. gun stores/shooting ranges. The NRA. I mean they all do, they may not say it outloud where we can hear it but.... school shootings lead to talk of gun control...talk of gun control makes gun owners panic that you’re going to take away their guns...panic about…
I got you.
Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.
the ’Tics played smarter
I’m pleased I could bring joy to everyone’s day.
I freaking HATE you. ctfu
It’s crazy how believing you have a unique product and that nothing will ever replace it is a recipe for disaster.
bye everybody!
very “toejam and earl” idea. I love it.
240p potato.