I feel like this should’ve been a 5 minute skit.
I feel like this should’ve been a 5 minute skit.
This is funny because yesterday while I was looking for my COD MW2 disc, I found Genma Onimusha, and I was like...hey this game was great. heh
LMAO...dude I’ve been screened to the floor so many times...I didn’t know I could’ve been putting these people in jail!
I love Terry Crews.
Straight up, it was like a firing squad. My brother said, they were probably like “Fuck Caballero”.
Damn...pizza party with all my friends. That’d be pretty sweet.
Any particular reason why everytime this cult is discussed, Mack’s is the only face we see?
When was the last time we had a school shooting and someone even muttered “Things are looking good”?
I would get extremely depressed post MDMA high. It was so bad that it totally turned me away from doing it less than a handful of times.
This post certainly panders to a first world problem. When I was a kid in South America, people used to drive their cars to the ground.
Exactly my thought lol
Why is this lady such a bitch? And then she cries?! WTF?! UGH!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!
That’s around the time the game ended, right?
What happened to “Bababooey!”?
OMG his poor children...they must be mocked endlessly for the dumb shit their Dad says on TV.
This sounds like a weird one to suggest but, go to the water parks on rainy days. They’ll be empty and it’ll be great. Notice I said rainy, not stormy. Parks do close when there is lightning in the vicinity.
I thought resaca was hungerover. Like: “Traigo tremenda resaca”... I’m so hungover...
When I hear this proposition to arm teachers I can’t help but wonder: “What would happen to one of these “highly trained” teachers if they accidentally shot a student during a face-off with a school shooter? How about one of these armed teachers decides not to do anything in the face of danger? Would they be publicly…