
This will definitely kill Harley-Davidson right? They’re having enough of a hard time selling bikes at their current price...

OH Mose! What have you done!?

I love them, but yea I’m disappointed at how little it looks like her. Maybe in person it looks better?

I cried too.

I remember reading something about how breast milk isn’t like store bought milk in the sense that it isn’t uniform. So basically breast milk contains clots of fat that can be easily super heated by a microwave. While stirring it would help dissipate the heat and help avoid the baby getting burned, nutrients would have

They should rename “Autopilot” to “Ass Driver” (Ass, short for assisted). I can already see the ads: Tesla Model S, Now with Ass Driver.

Good God, I didn’t think Wade’s defense could get any worse.

I know an acquaintance that said he has millions of dollars worth of bitcoin and is partially cashing out, but that the process was slow because of how large his pay out would be. He said expected to get at least 2 million dollars from cashing out. He said it so nonchalantly that I thought I caught a whiff of BS.

This is interesting. You have to admit it could be dangerous, no?

“95%” I love this...

You should have all the stars! All of them!!!

How is “Nikkor” pronounced? knee-kohr? nigh-kohr?

This. I live in South Florida. When it rains...brace yourself.

We did the paid preschool thing with my daughter mostly because daycare was almost as expensive and for a couple of more dollars at the preschool they actually attempt to teach the kids stuff.

I like this.

I was just kidding..but yes, this is one of the many reasons why I wouldn’t think of doing such a thing.

omg I too have thought of this! Does it count if I send one to my wife? I haven’t sent one to her yet....but I can’t think of anyone else that would appreciate such a pic from me.

She’s hilarious in Unbreakable.

Uh...It’s right there on the post...

I’ve previously read that in Europe nutella isn’t as sweet as it is in the states, but is a bit more chocolatey. Maybe that’s what they were aiming for...and missed?

I’ve previously read that in Europe nutella isn’t as sweet as it is in the states, but is a bit more chocolatey.