
Totally. I’m just so over seeing people blame Kim because Kanye can’t get his shit together. It doesn’t matter how much you hate her, he’s still not her responsibility.

Now that she has her kids, I know she’s a romantic (I know too much about Kim), but I could see her being like I’m done with men.

THIS. I was married to someone with debilitating depression for ten damn years, and I could NOT get him to seek the help he needed. He got on disability for it, and basically didn’t try much else, ever. Unless someone is an immediate danger to themselves or others, you can’t make them do shit. Even then, it’s probably

Trump spoke so disrespectfully about your wife that he should have been chin checked, political correctness be damned. You did the opposite and cowered in fear like a true coward, only to resurface as one of Trump’s many ass pimples for the entirety of his reign.

So there’s still SOME hope for humanity, or whatever the hell his spawn is made of...

In fairness to Ted Cruz, the girls we refer to as his daughters clearly loathe him.

I mean, this seems pretty easy to dismiss, right? First of all, if your kids want to take a trip that you’re not gonna participate in, you escort them to the airport - you don’t actually fly with them to their final destination.

They also insist on calling Marilyn Manson a ‘shock rocker’ even though that asshole mall goth hasn’t shocked anyone since the 90s. 

Tomorrow’s Dirt Bag will include an article about “Troop Beverly Hills star Jenny Lewis” and not mention being a musician for the last 25 years.

Was she really that complicit though? Even as his wife it’s not like she can force him into treatment and shove psychiatric meds down his throat. Seems more like his unwillingness to fully accept and deal with his mental health issues on his own were a big factor in why she filed for divorce.

Exactly. Bullies attract followers because those followers live vicariously through them. Even “smart” dads who liked this guy, liked him not because they were gullible, but because he was a wittier, louder version of the assholes they secretly wished they could be.

Probably the only time in my life I felt bad for cancer. At least it’s free of Limbaugh.

He was 70. The article I read that broke the news talked about how he famously smoked cigars and had all the humidors in his house, which is obviously relevant given that he died of lung cancer, but he was 70. That’s a full life of fearmongering, dog-whistling, outright racism, and pioneering everything that’s

Meh, just because we all do it all the time doesn’t mean we need to approve. As you note, we don’t like it when we’re on the receiving end, so why not use some compassion instead of just being like “lol, she’s in pain, serves her right dumb bitch”. We’ve all been the dumbass at some point.

To be honest, I’ll bet we’ve all done something equally stupid, but most of us have been lucky enough that the results weren’t as catastrophic. Just look up “fail” on YouTube, and you’ll see seemingly normal people being at least as dumb.

Jeff Bezos gives an interview to Forbes about how he gets 8 hours of a sleep at night and makes 3 decisions a day, nothing ridiculous at all.

Trump was the most powerful asshole on Earth, responsible for half a million deaths. She put glue on her head. Who is the real problem here?

Trump, big asshole as he is, became the most powerful man on Earth for 4 years. This bitch put glue in her hair. If you think they’re even on the same level of existence than we can probably pretty accurately guess your place in life. 

“First, there are only 600 total billionaires in the US. I’m not one of them either, but they do pay an obscene amount of tax. The top 1 percent of American earners pay almost 40 percent of all federal income taxes. That’s more than the bottom 90 percent pay combined.”

This is why I don’t have a problem with global warming. Humanity supposedly has the intellect to split the atom and yet we still have people like this. Let the next species take over. We’ve had our shot, and we blew it. Hard.