
Honestly LOTRs is a mess of race and ethnicity, and one day it’ll be talked about in the same vein as Gone with the Wind - significant technically and narratively - but undeniably ugly in its regard for non-whites.

I sincerely understand how tough it must be for some to recognize the newer standing of transgender individuals; cultural change is happening fast on these issues

That’s the joke, more or less. There’s nothing in her original Harry Potter series that points to Dumbledore’s sexual orientation, and after facing criticism for a lack of LGBTQ characters, she made him gay out of the blue. Which isn’t necessarily a problem, but kind of ironic in this context.

And Peter Jackson just gobbled all that right up, making the elves seem positively Aryan, and then you have the Haradrim who fight with the Orcs under Sauron, who ride on elephants and are clearly coded as African continent in their appearance.  Honestly LOTRs is a mess of race and ethnicity, and one day it’ll be


This version is not at ALL mumblecore. I saw an advanced screening last week and it was magic and emotionally effusive.

Separate the art from the artist.

Wasn’t that just ret-conned because of complaints of no LGBTQ representation in her books, anyway?

I assume when you have Harry Potter money you do what you want.

As a fellow old fart I can understand some feminist fears about losing places to speak openly, to be safe from harassment, assault, etc. However there’s extensive writing, videos, websites, and other resources that can help them engage with their uncomfortable “what if” questions and seek good faith answers. At this

I do sort of resent phrasing this as terfs “getting” to her. This is more of a situation in which, as you point out in the article itself, the thoughts she’s been silently/carefully endorsing and then backing away from are being put out more openly.

You can’t “get” to her if this is who she’s always been. And she’s

Heads up, “easier to understand” does not necessarily equate to “accurate”.

You’re a grownup now. I’m sure you’re capable of separating a series of books which wrapped up over a decade ago from the author’s present day opinions. If not that’s on you, not her.

What a complicated mess.

The more I hear about Rowling, the more I wonder how much of Harry Potter was written by an editor

This is the context a woman was fired from her job for tweeting a woman or man cannot change their sex. A judge then upheld the firing claiming her views were “Absolutist”. Here is where I think the discussion is getting a little outlandish. There is two concepts, “sex” and “gender” which while related I would argue

There’s a link to a Guardian story in this article that explains it, and in that story there’s a link to the court’s decision. Essentially she expressed her view that sex is immutable and that “men cannot become women.” And she wasn’t exactly fired, her contract wasn’t renewed.

No, Maya says she uses preferred pronouns. She just said biological sex is real and women are oppressed as a sex class. 

Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.