
Given the current state of the world, hells yeah I’d wish on a monkey’s paw for the remainder of my days to be sweet, sweet victory. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? *gestures to all the shit already happening, has happened before, and will prolly happen again so f*ck it*

What’s exhausting about someone sending an amicable message to/about their ex? I guess it might be exhausting if he weren’t a celeb, but it seems like a good way to squash the gossip and put some good vibes out there. Would you prefer some tea-spilling or revenge porn..? Jesus, we are such an awful species.

Because people who fear their mortal number love to point out other people’s mortal numbers so we can be afraid of them too. It was a sincere and kind message, regardless of the scribe’s age.

Yeah, that stuck with me too. Sucks, because I actually love Kirsten Dunst’s response.

Yeah, I don’t get why house arrest isn’t a bigger thing in America. Becky and Lord Target could serve their time at the home compound and put in double community service/fines once Covid is under control. 

Agree. I know people love to paint Jolie as some kind of man-stealing harpy but honestly, it’s public knowledge that he got drunk on their jet and attacked Maddox—like, the police were called and child services and all that shit. Pitt’s since admitted that he’s battled with alcohol all his life. As someone who was

Maybe this is a moot point, but if I were worth a reported 300 million like Ellen, I’d be nice as f*ck. Like, why not? I’m mega-rich and can quit any time; hell yeah I’m gonna extend the love to everyone because whatever it costs me, it still won’t deplete my 300 mil. At least poors like us have a reason for being

I don’t. You can have my piece of Kanye.

This, lol. Geminis make fantastic friends, lousy partners.

I also realize this could apply to all signs. 

HOLY HELL I am so f*cking sorry this was done to you and them. As if the modeling and entertainment industries aren’t predatory and traumatic AF already. Have you thought about writing a piece about this and submitting it to publications? This is a story that needs to be heard loud and clear. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you! I figured it was something akin to this but didn’t want to pause in my rant to open a new search tab.

Meanwhile actors who look like they should be doing AARP commercials out here playing action heroes opposite 20 year-old actresses and no one bats an eye. This dimension is the dumbest yet.

She is a multi-millionaire, has never had an addiction problem or mental health breakdown, and runs an empire that, like it or loathe it, continues to be extremely bankable. She is currently working/studying with a lawyer to take the bar exam (because yeah, rich people don’t have to go to law school, they can

Also, to reemphasize your point: they’re rich. Which means they will go to school with other rich kids with similar names and industry backgrounds. They will grow up and make friends with rich people who will continue not to give a shit because—wait for it—they’re all rich. 

Yeah, I also grew up in a “children should be seen not heard” household and it royally screwed me up (there were other abuses of course but that’s the relevant one in this instance). Kids are loud, kids want to play and explore and demand all the attention until they’re old enough to check themselves. As long as the

OMG I live for pet appearances!!! Like, yes, whatever you’re selling or pitching if I see your pet wander into the frame I’m instantly sold.

No, he just preyed on a 17 year old virgin (Winona Ryder) when he was 26 but that mysteriously keeps getting a pass in your camp. As someone who was also preyed on as a teenager by a much older man, who later found out he preyed on other underage girls, believe me when I say that is absolutely abuse. Also: previous

YUP. I say let your deities find you—and they always do once you open that door—but don’t go chasing rapey gods and spiteful goddesses. 

Who, Kim? I don’t think she’s disturbed at all, just shallow and shrewd. She knows she and her family are a brand, and acts accordingly. While that’s definitely sad, Kanye’s a whole other case study.

Making (and making bank off) a sex tape in your twenties and showing off your body is nowhere near as bad as a mentally ill, deeply narcissistic father who abuses his offspring through his own performative delusions of anguished grandeur. I was the kid of such a parent and believe me, I WISH the worst of their sins