
The gender politics in Mulan are indeed far from perfect, but you’ve chosen to focus on some really strange things to make your argument.

loved this article! but personally, i adore sam raimi and tobey maguire’s rendition of peter parker and spiderman best (the amazing spiderman was trash, and the current MCU spiderman is really fun!). but i find raimi’s spiderman most interesting to me compared to all the quippy, sarcastic, fun-loving spiderman

Supposedly, those construction guys “He throws up his hands, ropes come out...” are at the WTC site. The “You mess with one of us...” line was added in after 9-11. Spider-Man is a great movie but it was also the right movie at the right time.

*a bunch of commenters join together to throw rubbish at this comment*

Attention comic book fundamentalists: Making the webbing organic makes MUCH MORE SENSE. Otherwise, it’s absurdly coincidental and muddy that the guy who happens to get “spider powers” also happens to invent spider-powers on his own. And since the ability to shoot webs is the signature move of a real spider, “spider

What I liked about this movie is how it had Maguire strike a lot of classic Spidey-poses from the comics — like the scene in the abandoned building when he confronts the mugger — he drops down from above on his webbing, in this upside-down pose that’s straight off the page:

The first 2 Sam Raimi Spiderman films are perfect for so many different reasons that I could quite literally spend all day naming them; but practically no one will read this and i’m at work, so ill summarize.

On the other hand, Iron Man 3 is awesome.

* Tobey Maguire might not have captured Spiderman’s buoyant, live wire energy, but he nailed his neurotic, introspective, insecure mopiness, arguably the most original of Spiderman’s signature traits. Spider-Man wasn’t the first teen hero to be a whirling dervish of snappy patter and one liners — Bucky, Robin and

A comic nerd friend of mine went to a preview screening of this when it was released and told me “its the first superhero movie where the hero MOVES like a superhero”. The CGI may seem a bit clunky now, but at the time it was true - we'd never seen a hero move the way Spidey did in that film.

Well, yeah, that was my conclusion as well. It’s a shame though if there’s some mandate about it. 

Awkward Brooding Twisted up Peter Parker is pretty spot on for the OG Ditko version of the character. First 40 or so issues of ASM was angry loner Peter hating everybody in his life and endlessly complaining about his circumstance, needing money for rent, not having any friends, girlfriend hates spiderman, aunt needs

One thing I like about Sam Raimis Spiderman is that it cuts down on the bullshit that takes up SO much time in other comic book films. This is my major complaint about Marvel today, they feel like they need to pad everything out to 2.5 hours, when 45 mins-1 hr of that could easily have been cut out in order to keep

ill constantly go up to bat for the Raimi Spiderman films in that I STILL think it has one of the best portrayals of the character of Spiderman in that every time Spiderman succeeds, Peter Parker takes two steps back and his personal life suffers for it. It’s seen most wonderfully in Spiderman 2 which is still my favo

This movie was fucking huge when it came out. It was one of those rare ones that was an actual event. I was the sole comic fan in my class but after opening weekend suddenly everyone was talking about Spider-man. It was wild and so awesome to see my friends and others finally get what I loved so much about the

Thank you. I know nothing about film or color grading but I see similar “essays” on subjects I do know well and they’re almost always wrong. Its nice to see the trend continues in all kinds of lines of work.

I’m not a professional nor do I really know much about colour grading etc, but the moment he used a clip from Iron Man 3 with RDJ in the barn (about 4:02) I knew it basically ruined his entire argument as he had clearly dulled out the entire clip, it did genuinely look like mud and I knew there was no way that was how

Your point about clip sources and monitor calibrations brings up a good point, because a movie projector (film or digital) cannot display a true black. “Black” on a movie screen is just “un-illuminated white(/silver).“ A movie director or colorist will account for this in their decisions. And maybe the Blu-Ray release

This video is comically bad. The shadow detail is destroyed with what he has done. Try to find Black Widows belt. How about the detail of Black Panther?

This a Bad Video Essay.