
I agree. On the bright side it brings me so much joy to hear the amount of whiners online complaining that he will be doing a horrible job with the movie. Great to have J.J. back, better to have to feed n the mantears from the manbabies whining and crying about it XD

You mean countless prequel apologis uh I mean prequel fans are losing their minds over this. :)

I would argue that everyone’s favorite Star Wars movie TESB is just a complete rehash of the 1940 serial Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe. Flash foils another one of Emperor Ming’s plans. In response Ming orderes a bounty on his head, however he wants him alive. Flash hides out on an ice planet called Fragia.

When it’s because the black man couldn’t work around his busy schedule? No not really....

Now playing

I can’t remember where in the video it starts, but there is a great quote from J.J. mentioning how Larry would constantly tell him how he didn’t need a certain piece of dialogue to explain what a character is feeling and just trusting in what you are presenting the audience with (which BTW was a common flaw that I had

Something tells me that despite all of the hiccups that this movie experienced less than 2 months ago, this will probably go down in history as one of the best films to have come out of the post Lucas era. Will have to wait and see I guess :)

To this day, I’m still surprised at how people were generally confused by what was going on in the story. For me, this was probably the cleanest most efficiently written blockbuster I had seen in the last decade (well almost until the plot decided to take a detour to blow up a giant superweapon instead of finding the

I find it even more annoying that wherever I go, whatever article I see talking about the film, That very small minority always has the first to say how the film sucked and that everybody else is stupid for liking it. No wonder so many people thought Star Wars was uncool. When the majority of the fanbase are a bunch