“The Last Jedi is such a tedious film, and none of its problems are attributable to its supposed”
Ah, so the fundamental thing is that you don’t get Star Wars.
“The Last Jedi is such a tedious film, and none of its problems are attributable to its supposed”
Ah, so the fundamental thing is that you don’t get Star Wars.
What are you talking about? Amateur filmmakers aren’t being sneered at, these guys who want to keep their self-perceived treehouse girl-free are being sneered at. And why does it fall to the political left to stand up for little people? Where’s the political right when it comes to encouraging amateur filmmakers’…
But yeah, that leftist strawman you hate sure lost his way.
No one is sneering at amateur filmmaking, but at the idea of amateurs someone taking over/replacing the largest film franchise in history is pretty fucking absurd. But we’re mostly sneering at losers who freaked out about girls and minorities eventually joining the world.
Jesus, this must be serious. Cookie Monster broke character.
“You’re wrong. SJWs care about “skin color” and “diversity” (provided we’re not talking about diversity of thought and opinion, in which case they require monolithic acceptance and conformity), and they prioritize those values over story and character development.”
This is extremely dumb take. First of all, same whiny idiots who grew up on Star Wars and yet somehow came to conclusion that both social justice and warriors or bad things are also complaining about story and character development, namely that Luke not same person at 65 he was at 28, and that his story more…
Not to mention white male being called things like “laser brain” and “scruffy-looking nerf herder.” White males are real victims in this cruel galaxy!!!
Amazing. Everything you just said is wrong. Lucas explicitly said that Ewoks were inspired by resilience of Vietnamese fighting back against technological superior foe. He also explicitly said prequels were based on rise of Hitler, but funny enough, conservatives looked at story of Hitler’s rise to power and saw…
Man, you are gonna hate Empire Strikes Back when you see it. They replace the white male teacher character from a New Hope with a small green frog thing. Worse still, it preaches against masculine traits (aggression, heroism, conflict).
I’m not interested in persuading you here. Mostly I’m here to make fun of you for being so ridiculously obsessed with the “politics” of a movie series involving space wizards. It much be pretty rough living every day of your life in abject terror of the “SJW virtue-signaling patriarchy-is-dead,…
A step towards a day in which it will be incidental, yes. You are the one coming here and claiming such casting is “political”. I will be happy to admit that the casting in the new movies is more diverse than the original trilogy. But it’s absolutely insane how some interpret diverse representation as being…
and the genders of all those characters in those situations are incidental. Turn Poe into a lady and Holdo into a man and you only have to change the word flyboy in the script.
Lol you used SJW unironically
Just keep scooting them goalposts back.
“The manifesto also claims that they’re “pushing an agenda of masculine inferiority” if you want something else to be pissed about.”
Yes, and there’s no better way to refute that notion than by doing the dumbest and nerdiest possible thing that has ever occurred or will ever occur.
Boy, you’re really gonna hate Ep 9. I hear it involves Rey & Rose rounding up every alpha male in the galaxy & making them play Zoe Quinn games over & over, Clockwork Orange-style.
Yeah real subtle, the fact that Vader’s helmet was an oversized Nazi coal bucket helmet, (and ‘Vader’ is German for father) the soldiers were called Storm Troopers, the Empire’s top brass wore Nazi-inspired uniforms, and Lucas flat-out calls them Nazis in one of the commentary tracks.
Science fiction should be apolitical, like it was back in the good old days, e.g., Starship Troopers, The Sheep Look Up, Pirates of Venus, Looking Backward, The Battle of Dorking, Aelita Queen of Mars. No political ideas in those!