fighting polish, white sox rememberer

Right???? It’s all anyone was talking about leading up, but after - I had forgotten it even happened in the same movie !! God I love everything about this so much. 

I was looking forward to the bathroom fight scene but I didn’t know until I saw it how much more i should have been looking forward to it. This movie has two of my least favorite actors but I'll be damned if it isn't the best action movie I've seen in years.


according to Comscore, nobody. fun fact: more people [‘unique visitors’] read Timothy Burke over the months of March and April 2018 than read all of, according to Comscore. 

when there’s a load of tension about a free kick and it just bonks into the chest of some dude standing 6 feet away. free kick goals are amazing, but i always chuckle when it thuds off the wall while the announcers go “... and it’s stopped well short of the goal.” 

And his apologists and defenders still say he was rat-fucked. He was rat-fucked right into a cushy gig with a lot of institutional support and the pleasure of knowing he crushed the woman who tattled about what he got away with and will continue to get away with. And his nay-sayers are “carrying water” and behaving

I just love how hard everyone policed McGann’s potential conflicts of interest but nobody considers powerful men reporting on other powerful men a conflict of interest. I mean the conflicts of interest don’t stop for them. They are either capitalizing on exposing a Weinstein, and, casting themselves as a “good guy” in

Now playing

Most prominent newspaper in the world for now. The star of the NYT is fading fast. Michelle Wolf let them have it and it was glorious

You basically described my wardrobe choices from 1998-2015 or so. And sometimes currently.

Me @ Elizabeth’s disguises:


I guess he had second thoughts /s

That bit about the relationship between Tyler Schultz and his grandfather really needs more details. George Schultz was, at one time, exactly the type of person who should have seen what was happening with that company. I guess so many years in government or just old age dulled his ability to perceive it or affected

Is it though? She probably just reminded a lot of them of their favourite FOX newscasters.

This is fun:

To be fair, Holmes was clearly good at getting people to write big checks based on just a good speech or two.

Yeah, that came out in the DNC email hack. Even after Theranos had been exposed publicly as fraudulent, Chels is still stumping to get Elizabeth Holmes on stage with Team HRC at a fundraiser lol.

“Allow me to introduce my son, Fermi Feynman Oppenheimer.”

pro tip: the earth is flat

You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.