fighting polish, white sox rememberer

This is the additude that lost us the election. The idea that we don’t want certain voters is ridiculous. We want anyone who will vote for us, and we should try to retain everyone. Not insult them hoping to pick up replacements from a demographic that traditionaly doesn’t even bother to vote.

Better than pointing fingers at state parties is getting involved in your state party. Join a local Democratic club, or start one. Rally likeminded friends to attend local and then state conventions in order to get a seat at the table where those stupid rules are made in order to change them. Be prepared with names

Diamond Joe Biden would like a word with you.

I literally got blocked by joy Reid for saying the same thing. And she pretty much told me it’s because there’s a bias for men. Tim Ryan isnt qualified to take over the position, but no one else had the gall to go up against her except him. The same happened with the Dem primaries!

The Republican party intentionally funneled money into local elections to get control of the state legislatures. Why haven’t Democrats?

When he gave the press conference after the election, he did very subtly and peak out about how Hillary campaign dealt with the election. Everything he has worked for will be undone.

In marketing strategy, it’s almost always considered easier to get a current customer to repurchase than it is to get someone to switch brands. Obama won by energizing the base and getting more minority/liberal voters to the polls. Hillary lost (along with a dozen other reasons because life isn’t that freaking simple

Yes, elevating more elderly centrist millionaires to positions of power within the party was a sure winner in 2016 - the left hated Hillary for the same reasons they hate Nancy Pelosi. The establishment Democrat’s addiction to failure is staggering, and the number of milquetoast while liberals willing to abandon

I think you mean “the only competent Democrat under 70 who has held office”. Because Biden and Michelle Obama are competent as hell.

By the time the Democrats publicized gerrymandering it had already happened. They have no messaging apparatus. You’d be amazed what Republicans are able to accomplish even when they aren’t in power just by plastering the airwaves with their words.

We need to start pointing fingers at state parties. In Alabama, I see blank lines everywhere on my ballot where democrats should be, because in addition to filing fees you have to make a personal $10k donation to the state party in order to be a Democratic Party Candidate.

I think there could have easily been someone better than Tim Ryan to stand against Polosi. But it does seem that Democrats have no idea what to do after election, they are in the weakest position since 2005-2006. Exit polls showed that most wanted change and many wanted to go further to the right, but many still

I want a leader who successfully spearhead a nationwide campaign to colonize Flyover Country with wasted youth votes currently embedded in the Blue Wall. We can even recruit Huey Lewis for the jingle, “It’s Hip to Be [in] a Square”

The Democrats have had a majority in the House exactly 4 years out of the last 21. Not sure how reasonable it is to pin that on Pelosi.

I know. I’m very conflicted. Bobby is my imaginary BFF, so hate that he doesn’t like it. However, I liked the first trailer and wanted to see more.

or — imagine this:

I don’t know whether or not your analogy is a good one, but at least it involves sports.

Ditto. Can’t wait. Terrible trailer, but all the earlier ones have me on board already. Plus... I kinda loved the song? Is that bad?

Sci-fi is my favorite genre so I’m excited for this movie!

Here I am trying to get all enlightened and you have to bring THAT game up.

But the analogy sounds correct. And the Packers have yet to fully recover.