fighting polish, white sox rememberer


omg lol

Betsy Devos and her family are hilariously evil

A very sincere Thanks, Obama. She would not have survived the Trump administration.

where am i going to find multi-colored V neck t shirts now!!!!!!!!!

sighhhhhhhhhh i am not

Eli, sadly, was not invited

Your mom

I’m here for a situation that occurred about two and a half years ago. Basically, I’m just here to basically apologize to Ms. Molitor [because this video was released to the public]. Like I said, I’m here to apologize to Ms. Molitor [because this video was released to the public], apologize to coach Stoops [because


/extremely Don DiMello, Theatrical Director voice

I want Simmons to continue writing forever so you write response columns forever.

dogs AND Wes Anderson, all my dreams are coming true!!!!

Right, after W got sober, he got SUPER in shape. He was a bad President, but that was genuinely impressive.

a 70 year old man who doesn’t exercise and eats only fast food is in bad physical health, you say? I’d never!

listen, Rebel flight school can’t afford to be picky with its pilots.

YES this was my favorite part of the movie. Finally, you get to see Darth Vader, pure evil, just destroying people. It made me think about how like. You never actually see Darth Vader killing people in the original series, which is sort of impressive, given how he’s achieved a mythical status of movie villain.

A thing I love about Dr. Heimlich is that his son HATED HIM and worked his entire life to discredit his dad’s work, I want a feature length movie made about these two