fighting polish, white sox rememberer

stop trying so hard, miley.

Vice President Jesus

The avowal of something does not instantiate it. Is that as obvious as I think? Fervent support for a political position does not automatically translate into any meaningful gains. The failure of the feminist offense factory to result in much else other than better TV and extremely woke 12-year-olds should be

¡Siiiiiiiiiiiiii reina!

For such a smart lady, Hillary surrounds herself with some complete fucking idiots.

1) I’ll probably vote for Hillary Clinton for a number of reasons, even though I dig Bernie and what he’s doing for lefty politics.

Here’s the thing.


Iman cut Iman Jr’s umbilical cord with some headphones! I didn’t know you could do that!


Chadwick Boseman : Black Americans :: Benedict Cumberbatch : White Brits


Your nostalgia has betrayed you, full house was [garbage emoji] and this will be [garbage emoji] but at least candace cameron gets a paycheck

this show is still on the air, huh

yea, but, that horse ran fast

There’s Something Strange In My Neighborhood: These Women Are Ghostbusters And I Couldn’t Be Happier

i started answering some of these questions and then felt like an idiot while doing so

oh no, just wait until Rajon learns the truth about his rollerskating pals