fighting polish, white sox rememberer

“Oh, you were SERIOUS about that virgin til marriage thing?


“but have you seen her bodyguard”

It's always a one percent case

i like how he pronounces “Ukraine,” like “Oo-crane”


god dammit kate I ate it already i didnt have time to take a picture

oh shit, i didn’t even THINK about that

can we talk about how hugh jackman was somehow one of the all-time great Oscar hosts? because he was the best

Eddie Redmayne stars in an Oscar bait-y movie that, while featuring a technically brilliant performance by the lead, leaves much to be desired, you say?

i enjoy my family and like spending time with them, where is my content

if you try watching this on youtube, you get this warning, which, I don’t think it is THAT inappropriate?

those IJReview “lol look how goofy the republican candidates are!” videos* are just the worst.

this is perfect

Now playing

It’s just a little airborne, it’s still good, it’s still good

Now playing

when in doubt, just ask yourself, What Would Larry David Do?

omg gimme

three quick tweets

spencer’s plastic face is freaking me out