
It makes me feel better about the last creepy message I received on okcupid...

I would hope at least the manager would have asked them to leave. Just an FYI, the saying "the customer is always right" is wrong. If you act like an asshole you are wrong, and should be kicked out.

Guys, just so you know… flight attendant here. We do this too. Nonstop, just up and down the aisles. And there's lots of us. Don't be dicks.

As Testa mentions in her piece, trans inmates are 13 times more likely to get raped in prison than non trans inmates.

I actually know a lot of deeply religious people who support reproductive rights and struggle with reconciling their faith and their political/social beliefs. I think they are absolutely capable of intelligent discourse and have witnessed it many times.

Ha. I say that every morning when my husband is getting dressed :P

As a bonus, it's hilarious and adorable to hear my two year old say "Hi Penis!" when I change his diaper in the morning.

We've always used the proper terms with our kiddo (I'm a biologist, I'm not going to call it a wee-wee or a hoo-haa or whatever). She was then told by other kids she was saying "bad words." Her teacher started to tell her not to say those and she proudly said "My mommy says those are the right words and not to use

Those EYES. That SCRUFF. Fighting for Gender Equality. Check. Check. And Check.

This line: "we wear makeup to confront someone else, to protect ourselves" really strikes me. I recently read this excellent book by Monica Drake, in which one of the main characters, a dude, breaks his face in spectacularly embarrassing fashion. His wife puts concealer on him for his first few days back at work, when

well, when I tripped, banged my face into an open cupboard door, and had a horrible black eye, I was pretty glad to have concealor. It was hard getting pitying/ condescending stares from strangers. I wanted to wear a sign that said, "just clumsy!" It kind of gave me an insight into how we look down on people who

Why don't these people play the sims?!

Check yourself, Mark. Octopi are ADORABLE. They're also incredibly intelligent and they will one day be kind rulers once they've enslaved humanity... I mean... uh... YOU SAW NOTHING, HUMAN!

Caveat: I am not brilliant with the fan art thing!

This brings back memories of when my brother, who has significant disabilities, was chosen by the football team to run out on the field and throw an honorary ball at homecoming. He could never play himself because of his disabilities, but he adored the team and handed out water at every practice. Going out on the

I hope you're joking. Because we are the ones who forcibly conjoined church and state in Iran after we lead a coup to overthrow their democratically elected secular leader, Mohammad Mosaddegh.

This is me; we both know the answer is always butts.

They make it surprisingly difficult to create a fake account. I tried to make one for Cruella Deville from London and then they asked for a zip code and the UK doesn't use them and then I got bored.

These are gorgeous, but so many light colors just scream "I don't have to take public transportation!". When I moved to New York I had just bought a cream colored pea coat...I'll let fellow commuters guess how long that looked presentable.