
Yeah, I'd like to see them change the photo.

I absolutely don't think that all people in the private system are rich. My boyfriend grew up in the projects and attended a private, catholic high school. However, that's really not the group that I felt this article was talking about. This was specifically talking about wealthy parents.

But yes, I do get frustrated

Yeah, I went to one of those public schools. Some of the parents were very well off, and the rest of us (middle and lower class) kids benefited from their presence.

Oh and I do understand that. Money isn't going to fix everything.

Same. I can even read the big words!

All these public school are closing/underfunded! What should I do? Oh, spend a bunch of money on an already wealthy private school? Of course. It's not like I could donate money to the public school in order to benefit both my child AND their classmates.

Hey, I like it.

As I do yours.

Mine is reference to a superhero (Black Canary), what's yours referencing?

Absolutely. I was just kidding. :)

I'm glad we have science for these things. Else we simpletons might never understand!

Yeah, I don't want oral sex from a guy I'm just hooking up with. I don't like dental dams, but I also don't like diseases. I would rather just deal without the whole thing.

Wait? FOX did this? FOX NEWS?! That's.... That's... That's...

I'm going to respond to Odone in the most mature way I know how. With a Futurama gif:

Multiple exclamation points makes me clever!!!

Is it really comfortable under your troll bridge?

Calling UberTrout, of all people, a misogynist is in fact the funniest thing I've heard all day. Thanks for the laugh.

I totally forgot about his daughters!

Meh, as long as they are the characters they're supposed to be, I'm not that picky about race, especially in terms of characters like Heimdall or Electro.

Wow! I'm finally impressed by a pick up artist!

I had hoped that's what you meant, glad to see it was.