
Like the video with Cat Marnell, and they're encouraging someone to do PCP. It just felt like "middle class white girl does drugs! so edgy!" without thinking about that drug has impacted other people's lives or what illegal drugs do the people/neighborhoods where they're produced.

Oh my god! Thank you for explaining sarcasm to me! I totally hadn't picked up on that! Dude, I was just responding with my own frustrations, which fit with what Satyrix was saying.

Also, I work at a comic book shop, want to write comic books for a living, wear a Green Lantern ring, am currently sitting in my bedroom

Yeah, I found the title really dismissive and unnecessarily nasty.

I can't even wrap my brain around how he thought that statement wouldn't sound like complete and total garbage.

Both of my parents worked full time up until I was 12 (mom started to freelance from home after leaving publishing), so I had a baby sitter who would pick me up from school and stay with me till my folks got home around 6. In the summer, my mom would sign me up for day camps and classes and all kinds of programs since

And then, to rub fucking salt into the wound, he wrote One Moment in Time. Which, I think The Gutters summed up nicely.

"Huh. JMS made Spider-Man the one of the most successful books in Marvel. Let me undo EVERYTHING HE DID."

I'd also like to add that Hickman's main "Avengers" book has been bringing in a ton of new female and PoC characters, as well as giving characters like Sunspot and Shang-Chi their turn in the spotlight.

Also, ugh, Greg Land.

Black Panther is in New Avengers right now, which has been really good.

I cried the day Dwayne McDuffie died. The work he did in the comics industry, both in terms of books and cartoons is just incredible and my childhood (and adult life) would be very different without him.


As a huge fan of the cartoon, everything about that movie offended me. From the white washing to the fact that THEY FUCKING PRONOUNCED EVERYTHING WRONG.

I skimmed by this quickly and thought you said that Idris Elba could play Allen the Alien (from the awesome superhero comic Invincible) and I got really excited, because that casting would be fucking perfect, even if it was just voice acting. DREAM CAST.

Also, please don't lump all us comic nerds in with the white

Cool story: Brian Michael Bendis, who created Miles, has said that one of his inspirations for the character was twitter lobbying for Donald Glover to play Peter Parker.


Okay? Okay. Can we move on now?

Up until the flat tire line, I was kind of wondering if this was written by my dad. But my dad knows I don't even have a driver's license (grew up and live in NYC, no car required).

Awesome dads are awesome.

Oh man, my partner is a shorter, heavy white guy too who respects women and doesn't think I'm crazy when I talk about women's issues!

Yeah, I love the idea that doing stuff to body hair for self expression has been something around for less than 50 years. Cause we haven't been altering our bodies since um, always.