
The signatures and watermarks appear sometimes because the AI has learned that they often exist on images similar to what you’re asking for. With watermarks, that’s the result of contaminated training data; with signatures, it’s the result of many artistic works bearing signatures. These neural network models are

I’m constantly surprised by the level of hatred AI art inspires. We can argue about ethical details, but the tech is too powerful to disappear now. In a few years, people will be able to create VR spaces on the fly through simple description. There are already models in development to create basic 3D meshes. The text

I too have a story about finding ferrets in a grungy punk rocker den a few years back. And I also had two ferrets when I was regularly going to the seedy punk venue in town. It may actually be a universal experience.

I spent a long time in the same situation (poor and geographically isolated from friends and family), with the added bonus that my ex would hold me at gunpoint or choke me out whenever I tried to get away from him. I know how tough it is to head out on your own after years of being treated like a worthless smear of

My boyfriend and I like to opine about how our stat blocks and alignments would be awesome for a D&D campaign but kind of suck for the real world. Why can't I just major image my way through life?

Can anyone talk to me about polycystic ovary syndrome? My boyfriend and I were...uh...reaffirming our commitment to each other this morning and I started having stabbing pains. This is combined with delayed periods for at least the last five months (not pregnant) and suddenly my boobs are growing little hairs that are

My local grocery store has skull goblets that have been recently appropriated into D&D-night drinkware. Tis the season for rad shit.

If you are pinched for cash while you build clients, there are a few content mills that are actually worth your time. I believe Writer's Domain is still hiring, if you haven't looked into them- I make about $20/hour with them and the work is steady and relatively unstructured, which is always nice. Don't sell yourself

Well, I find that I have a lot more leisure time with this lifestyle, and more importantly, I'm not so worn out after work that I don't want to go do things. Plus, I make more than I would doing the 40-hours-in-an-office routine, so I can't complain.

It seems to me that society is rapidly moving away from the

I never trust writing as a single-income career, so my approach has been to freelance, publish and work part-time just in case everything else falls through. The freelancing is the easiest money, while the publishing keeps me feeling like a Writer and not just some corporate shill. The part-time work is easy and fun

If asked about it, I'll still put on my cynic face and scoff at the idea of soul mates, but this guy I'm living with now seems to fit all of the functional definitions of one. We met four or five years ago and hit it off immediately, but I was already dating someone and committed to attending a fancy-pants school on

I got Paragard when I was 17 and have had absolutely zero problems. One of the better decisions I made as a teenager.

If you liked the convenience of Mirena but can't handle the hormones, you might give Paragard a look. BC pills gave me daily migraines, so I switched over to the copper IUD and am both baby-free and migraine-free to this day.

My morning routine:

I threw up a little bit on my boyfriend's dick once. Thank God for men with a sense of humor and a grounded perspective.

I think there were actually zero geldings in the Derby this year. Chrome is still in possession of all his bits, which is surprising for how level-headed he is.

Artificial insemination is not permitted in thoroughbred breeding.

He is inbred to Numbered Account through his dam, and further back he has the usual Northern Dancer/Mr. Prospector crosses. Still, his pedigree is interesting and not nearly as colorful as some out there. For all the talk of his poor breeding, it doesn't take long to get back to the big names. Hopefully there will be

Ooooh, Jezebel is covering horses today! This makes me happy.
Almost as happy as watching California Chrome get it done, and significantly more happy than watching Commanding Curve destroy my trifecta and super.

He has a better chance than most in the field, granted, and Rosie being on board is definitely a good enough reason to cheer for him.