
Runners don’t wear socks?

Nice diversion. How was your stolen chicken?

Little Big Lesion

I don’t really get your joke, but I like the imagery.

I can’t understand the logic of Roberts, Showalter, & others who save their best pitcher in extras on the road. Wouldn’t it be better to pitch Hill in the 16th, hope for a ton of runs in the top of the 17th, & THEN pitch Kike (if necessary)?

The common thread among many of these athletes in anyone’s life, I think, is that they did some cool shit when you were between like 9 and 14

The washer belongs as close to the plumbing as possible. The dryer belongs as close to the outside vent as possible. Why is this complicated?

I can’t find the instructions on cleaning my dryer.

Definitely see a doctor about that solid flow.

3? 2? Who cares?

Congratulations, Kyrie, on being the first ever person to drive Boston’s streets and still have a positive attitude about the city.

This article reads like a good Gizmodo piece, but with existential angst in place of science/evidence. I’m left with more questions than answers. In particular, I’m very confused by this:

Don’t these long-distance trails usually have logbooks every so often? I know Vermont’s Long Trail does. You put the date, your name, and maybe some comments when you walk by. They are severally useful:

Many dealers are always a mixed bag

In the end, he was remembered for many of the fingerprints he left behind as a television executive—Monday Night Football, NBC’s 1990s primetime lineup, Jay Leno, his bizarre loyalty to O.J. Simpson, his firing of Norm MacDonald, Dennis Miller on MNF, ESPN ombudsman...

Oompa Loompa doom-pa-dee-do.
I have a perfect puzzle for you.
Oompa Loompa doom-pa-dee-dee.
If you are wise, you’ll listen to me.

2017 intentional walks should be #44. Sadly, we’ll never see another “pitcher screws up intentional walk,” which I would rank around #9.

But with the rise of team-owned RSNs in recent years, that wall has come down, and indeed NESN’s crew flies on the team charters.

It seems appropriate to point out that the perp is from Florida.

What’s The Best Store To Daydream About Robbing?