Six ravens in a trench coat

I certainly feel for service folks but the tipping thing has gone out of control. Once Alamo Theaters started sticking me with an 18% “service” fee that they claim goes to wages, I stopped tipping there altogether. I’m also generally done tipping for counter service.  Stuff costs too much and I get that restaurants

It’s not okay to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment, it’s not okay to have dirty streets in the city with one of the highest income taxes. And it’s not okay to put the responsibility on paying waiter’s salary on the customer. It’s time for change.

There’s a lot of talk made about the whole inter-personal conflict thing, but it’s also worth noting how much more compelling DS9 characters are. Because - unlike the TNG cast - they were allowed to be flawed. The same is true for Voyager, which let its characters have more warts than TNG ever really did. While TNG as

he was always willing to throw that punch

“And they go, ‘Well, don’t put him in a situation where he has to kill someone’.”
No, they say he would still choose not to kill, because stopping death is his main impetus. His main drive is that his parents were killed and that he will stop it from happening to anyone else.
It’s like Peter Parker failing at “With grea

Because their characters have never had not killing as an intrinsic part of their personalities the way Superman has. Not to mention, that they killed taken for granted. Captain America fought in fucking WWII. Of course he killed people. But in peacetime it’s something he tried to avoid and saw as a failure when it

I would love a movie that actually dealt with a Batman who was forced to kill for the first time and the inpact it had on him and his allies, too.

Because Captain America is formed in a War and is a Soldier fighting Nazis.

It also fundamentally misrepresents what people are saying about Batman having a no kill policy.

It’s a complicated issue with multiplr answer, but I think the main reason is that there have been a lot of stories for both Superman and Batman that focused on the character’s refusal to kill, challenged it, and ultimately reinforced it as morally upstanding. From What is so Funny about Truth Justice and the American

Yeah, like The Batman had flaws, but I loved that Batman’s whole arc in the movie was moving away from fear and vengeance to promote hope and justice. That while stopping bad people is important, saving good people is even more important.

“This character doesn’t kill, so put him in a situation where he has to, and see what he does instead.”

I’m very surprised if that is something DC actually said to Snyder at any point, because it is absolutely arse-backwards from how it should actually work. It’s not “This character doesn’t kill, so don’t put him in a situation where he has to”, it’s “This character doesn’t kill, so put him in a situation where he has

I really hate when people like this insist that a superhero not killing their enemies, or a superhero being kind, or a superhero not being a raging sociopath, is unrealistic and therefore should be abandoned. The entire fucking concept of superheros is unrealistic, very much including the so-called “grounded” heroes

Batman doesn’t kill because Batman is a children’s fiction hero. Children’s fiction heroes have an elevated sense of morality because they are meant to be an example for the next generation, a light in the gloom of the current. In the real world, there are no superheroes and some cops kill people to save people (some

False. A Batman who won’t kill is still very relevant, and a Batman who kills could be interesting if you actually explore what it would do to both him and his supporting cast.

Jesus christ, people.

Whenever someone “caters to both sides” in the US, those two “sides” are invariably “ultra conservative” and “moderate conservative.”

I friggin’ loved Nimona, was stoked Blue Sky was making it into a movie, and completely missed the news that the film was cancelled. Now I’m not sure if I’m sad with a side of rage over Disney’s homophobia or filled with rage with a side of sadness over the masses missing out on a wonderful story.

Disney caters to both sides and walks the line that makes them the most money...