He was certainly a sharper guy when he was younger if not any better as a person, I think old footage of him bears that out.
He was certainly a sharper guy when he was younger if not any better as a person, I think old footage of him bears that out.
you’re a fuckin clown if you think white dudes don’t get the beatdown all the fucking time from cops
She would get beaten by men’s college players.
In 98 the Williams sisters lost 1-6 and 2-6 each playing one game to a guy ranked 203. The guy played golf and smoked cigs before the match.
How dare a hall of fame tennis player talk about tennis stuff. As a society can we agree to abandon logic while comparing sexes, because equality.
He exaggerated on the 700th bit. But isn’t the rest of it true? Can’t we both acknowledge that she’s unprecedentedly awesome and amazing AND that she’d get crushed by someone like Novak D or Andy Murray? She’d presumably admit as much herself if you forced her to answer. Those guys are taller than her, faster than…
Look at how this question was setup:
Ideally there should be no black on black crime so that there are fewer police shootings, not none, just fewer.
I saw a heartbreaking video from Ferguson a few days after Michael Brown was killed. A child was shot and killed a block away, a little girl. Her poor mother was screaming about how the only lives that seem to matter to people are the ones the cops take. It barely made press. Broke my heart.
I believe white cops killing black folks is obviously a HUGE problem in this country, but something I don’t understand is why people just wave away and scoff at the topic of black on black crime. I mean ... black lives matter right?
Quit trying to humanize these guys!
Because it fits your worldview?
Would you say the same about Muslims?
I love the racism you enthusiastically express.
Obama was invited many times by Bill O’Rielly, but he was to chicken shit to appear.
Pander much to the lowest common denominator? Though I don’t agree with it in full, Jerry made a concise argument about his dislike for Subban and your knee-jerk reaction is to cry racism? Jerk off.
Clueless as to what exactly?
Meh. Locomotive Jones is probably somebody within Jezebel’s own house posing as a “racist, misogynist, toxic, malignant, hate-filled, black-hearted, violent troll”. It’s why he hasn’t been banned yet.
I’ll address the elephant in the room: men. Male violence. Toxic masculinity.
It’s an epidemic and nobody dares to address the elephant in the room.
I think you may be blind if you found that when you examined the elephant. Perhaps willfully, but blind as a bat none the less. Try again.