
I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

Two years ago, I was at a soccer showcase - U12 and U13 girls. On the sideline of a U12 game, an older gentleman was playing catch with a kid I assumed was his grandson. When I looked a little closer, I saw none other than Jim Brown, the greatest lax player ever (as people like to say). He moved his body like the old

I watched the original interview and the article leaves out that all of this was said in a very light-hearted and facetious manner. He wasn’t seriously complaining about not being recognized. He was joking about it. I have fairly neutral opinions regarding Bacon but the article sort of misrepresents the interview.

In my defense he went to Hitler like right away. No foreplay he just shoved it in there.

Take the L on this one, man

The quotes served to indicate that I am not going to put an asterisk on the fact that he killed himself and we should somehow be okay with this. It doesn’t matter what he did to get where he was, ANY time someone decides their only option is suicide is a tragedy. Full stop.

Shhhhhhh, just stop.

counterpoint: FUCK AARON HERNANDEZ, he’s a murderer.

I would argue that him being a bad guy does indeed make this less sad.

It does pay...in spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you

He isn’t taking anything away from anyone. He’s in the goddamn SALLY league. And, newsflash: professional sports rosters aren’t like public college scholarships or whatever. No one ‘takes’ anything from anyone. The Mets chose to sign him. If they wanted someone else, they would have signed someone else. There is zero

Wait, why is this something to hate on this guy about? I mean, I know hes the Nickleback of sports professionals, but honestly, this man worked his dick off to get a spot.

What!? After a free government ride for four years at a military university you have to serve 2 years in the ACTUAL military??? If you don’t want to serve, go to one of the hundred plus other schools.

Excellent article about a very important topic. My experience in the military as a woman has been overwhelmingly positive, but I know that is not the case for everyone, and we need protections in place for our servicewomen.

This might be an unpopular opinion, and obviously everyone should be arrested and prosecuted equally, and I get that is the point here, but you could also... not do illegal drugs? Wait for it to be legal or if its really that important to you that you would risk ending up in this situation, move somewhere where it

Actually they can’t since they’re a public university.

The gender difference doesn’t innoculate you from being a creep

Any male critic about a female pop star: “ I wish you were my step daughter, so we could make out.”

Not only that, but Jezebel will never mention the epidemic of domestic violence among black men. This story, along with the San Bernadino school shooting, and all they write is a generic article about DV. They do mention that black women suffer from homicidal DV at twice the rate of white women, but say nothing on the

But you brought that up as a way of deflecting from the actual grim subject of this article. I’m just tired of the hypocrisy. You’re the same kind of asshole who brings up the Crusades in an article about the latest act of Muslim terrorism. It’s pretty transparent and people are over of it.