That sounds mildly racist
That sounds mildly racist
Wow, that’s a lovely reach
I’m sure you’ll be a warm parent.
Do any of you ever sit back and feel like you’re not being objective?
If we are going to be objective, the truth is that most Republicans are not big protestors. They just don’t do it. They pride themselves on others having done it when Obama was in office, even though they said terrible things about him the way the left will now about Trump. Both sides are very hypocritical
Oh, so like bullying, but the good kind.
He did it turn out?
Shooting a guy with an illegal gun who wouldn’t drop that gun and who (unbeknownst to the cops, admittedly, had threatened to hurt his wife with a gun recently) is police brutality? Sweet.
I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it...
No, I didn’t reply to the article’s author, just a commenter.
I get this a liberal site but Schilling is absolutely a HOFer
I bet you have never been to war
Liberals need to be better than this. This how that stupid snowflake term and safe spaces come into play. So embarrassing. Both those guys are assholes, but it’s so inane and counter-productive to try and block speech you don’t like.
How is no one mentioning the exceptional bit by Patrice O’Neal about using black women when you want a refund?
You are right (Trump is a bad guy who insulted a legitimate war hero), but so is McCain. Look, 99% of Gawker clapped along with Meryl Streep, but those 99% certainly did not vote for Trump. Her speech was good (a little to very self-important, but her feelings on Trump were spot-on), but McCain is right that those…
Not kidding, I enjoy the insult “you sweet Summer child,” and I will use it going forward.
Janie, you’re a unique rebel!
I wasn’t ignoring it, just intentionally going short-form. I agree with your points. My basic point remains valid, I think: the growing problem of income inequality didn’t start and end with Republicans and young insinuate (I mean the author, not you) is dishonest. And your point is correct, too: democrats may have…
I went back and looked at my comment. I didn’t say electing Trump was “Gawker’s fault;” I said they “helped create a place for him” to become President. They did. This site and mainstream sources were so butthurt over everything (a lot of it legitimate, but also a lot of it overblown) Trump did that he was able to…
You’re certainly correct that the language used was different. I didn’t mean to imply that I believed Gawker or other liberal media outlets used the same language as they did for Trump to knock Romney or McCain. The point was a general distrust of media outlets because it’s objectively slanted left. Obviously…