That’s politics. Like Bernie backing Hillary after what the DNC and Hillary did. As for Palin....terrible. It’s a big reason I didn’t vote for him.
That’s politics. Like Bernie backing Hillary after what the DNC and Hillary did. As for Palin....terrible. It’s a big reason I didn’t vote for him.
We have since had periods with a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House and it’s continued. That’s why I said what I said. I get they’re not going be totally even-handed, but it’s fair to ask them to be honest.
Percentage wise, Trump never had a majority of Republicans until he won the nomination. If I recall, maybe he topped out in low 30s.
We’ll just disagree, which is fine. The only point in response to your post I see is that I’m not talking about “hurt feelings,” but complete distrust. And a feeling that a moderate Republican, like Romney or McCain (objectively moderates) couldn’t win.
I would also add that it’s sites like this that helped create a place for Donald Trump to become President. He sucks. And he is a bad guy. He is unqualified. But the far left and MSM to a lesser extent vilified decent Republicans (McCain and Romney in recent times) and it created a perception that irrespective of…
That’s such a reach. The economy has changed. It’s not like it seesaws depending on which party controls the White House. I get this is a partisan site, but have some integrity.
Of course he has a hyphenated name. Of course he does.
Does anyone think he’s more partisan than Rachel Maddow? Or Chris Hayes?
You would love that chick from ESPN who berated that tow driver.
What have you done worse after getting a parking ticket than tear it up in front of the cop/parking enforcement agent and threw it in her face? Attacked the cop? Spit at the cop? Cursed at him/her? Now you’ve peaked my interest.
It’s on Jezebel/gawker...we can generally assume if it’s a hit piece it’s a republican. It’s the bizzaro Breitbart
Pure numbers —- be honest, it’s not close
Anyone who think all Muslims are bad are the same as narrow-minded ones who think all cops, or all republicans are bad.
Maybe she can tell her friends to stop killing thousands and thousands of people in the name of Islam.
That’s has nothing to do with going after a politician’s family member for...not acting rich enough? If some did this to Chelsea Clinton you’d have a different reaction, I expect. Trump sucks, but this is not the way to act.
Does this lady think that any President or President-elect writes their own press release? Based on snark, it would seem she does. Trump sucks to be sure, but be honest and objective, where possible.
Yes, interesting cheek bones for sure. Her body is excellent, face is ok.
That is silly.
Can you explain why you think that based on what you’ve heard or read?
So kind of like don’t respect the political process? Interesting strategy Cotton.