
I am actually excited for cricket now...no chance I'll ever get to see any in America...so f u for setting me up for disappointment:-/

Holy shit! How does this not have more stars/hate mail?!?!

Not by you and your tobacco chewing Nielson box types, it's on HBO.

Yeah, nobody ever usually gets hurt in hockey...it's totally a fluke thing!

Doubt it...I think they just use regular vibes’ just like anyone else!

There is an educational poster at “goatsy” or “goatsie” on the Internet.

Computers is what made it easy for a ten year old boy to print 10,000 counterfit tickets in his middle school library...so you didn't need to scan the tickets bar code to get into the chariot races at the coliseum when you were younger.

And they'd fire him if he didn't produce. Pop music as a product is literaly, only about image.

You think he would continue in the face of a conviction?

Ooooh! When someone reads that to him, he's gonna pound your ass* sooo hard!

But your dumb ass still watched? So back the fuck off of uconn for doing the same.

You lean to the side you fucking cretin.

He's the snotty bitch on the deadspin staff...so, basically yeah.

That is just twisted...it’s conservatives who are meddling with those issues. Indeed, they really should be less concerned with abortion...they are legal, now leave it alone.


I am middle age, at least in terms of American life expectancy, and even I think you must be super old.

The cop was an antagonistic prick...fuck you too.

Fucking thank you!!! Fucking miller fucking lite is the number one result on my fucking browser!!!! I will never buy a single fucking can of that garbage...not because I'm a beer snob, but because of th worst fucking pop up ad in the fucking world!!! Porn website pop ups are less aggressive! I want to fucking suicide

That is actually a bad thing...listen to yourself for fucks sake.

Nice story, the video would have made it a little better:-/