the governess

As the locals would say, he robbed them blind.

Toyota driver, automated carwash. Obviously this person gave up on caring about life long ago. Probably a failed suicide attempt.

Yea, the old standard. “Allergies.”

You could specifically look for an older dog, maybe 9 or 10 years old. Those are often very hard to get adopted, but elderly dogs often have very sweet dispositions and would be at more of the appropriate energy/exercise level for him.

That’s truly horrifying. One can only hope that the owner meets a similar fate when their time comes. If saying that makes me an awful person, so be it.

it’s common everywhere. I work in a shelter. Last night we had to euthanize a sweet, mostly healthy old dog whose owner had come all the way from a nice suburb to have her euthanized. by strangers. alone. in a loud, crowded, unfamiliar place. she was terrified.

some shelters offer discounted or free adoptions to seniors who adopt “senior” pets - though a senior pet could be as young as three or four.

My parents inherited my grandpa’s dog. Shortly after my grandparents got her, my grandpa had a freak accident that left him paralyzed for 3 years before he passed and that dog was his greatest comfort. She was my grandmother’s main companion for 2 years after that. My parents had promised to take the dog if anything

Is your FIL living with you? Is he in bad health? We got my Grandma a little Shih Tzu when she was 83. My Grandma was in okay health. The dog was a rescue adult and adored my Grandma. Except for a hospital visit my Grandma was with her all the time. Besides being a companion the dog got my Grandma out of the house and

So get him a senior dog that only has 6 years or less left. So many are abandoned and heartbroken they could use each other’s company.

I deeply respect her decision to not get any more dogs that will outlive her. My heart breaks every time I see my local humane society post a new dog with the description “this dog was surrendered to us after his/her owner died and no one stepped up to take him/her.” While that obviously probably isn’t the case for

Ugh. You are totally right. Which is exactly why I use the “emergency access” button on our locked and coded Omnicell supply cabinet every time I need to grab something for a patient. Otherwise, I’d have to enter my ID number and the patient name to grab a roll of tape that I only need a piece off of to hold a 2x2

That’s actually pretty cheap-I just got a bill with a $200 pregnancy test on it despite the fact:

No, actually you don’t. The Canadian tax brackets are the same as the US ones.

C-section here. Trust, my baby was zero percent deprived. We didn’t skin to skin immediately after birth because I was being sewn up, but did do it immediately after I got in the room with him (maybe 30 minutes after birth). Kid then nursed immediately. In fact, he got great time just him and his dad before I came in.

two out of two of my babies were born in canada - for free, and with dual citizenship.

For comparison’s sake, my sister had a baby in March. They paid the equivalent of 35 dollars. And that was honestly just the cost of her husband also staying overnight because they live far away and couldn’t just drive home when they weren’t sure if they had gone in on a false alarm (they hadn’t).

First, for the sake of your sanity stay away from that stuff. Those posts always end up with the sanctimommies ruining everything and making everyone else weep. I had a c-section with my youngest. It was a traumatic, emergency kind of deal and I will spare you the rest- but I did not get to actually see the kid let

This goes to show just how screwed up our health care/insurance system is in the U.S.

Eventually, Graham’s gonna get bored, put a bigger engine in that Bugeye Sprite to make it do 220 mph and hurt himself royally. Sorry, slow, gradual process of evolution. That’s how it works. Humanity is largely doomed as a species and no amount of Cactus-style squirting pus-sacks can save us from ourselves.