the governess

What is comfort mode?

“...I wanted my vote to be a vague protest, registering my poorly thought out resentment against some perceived slight by the political class in general...I didn’t want the thing I was voting for to actually happen! What the hell?!?!”

Lol I just found out that under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, which deals with the (til-now theoretical) situation of a country leaving the EU, the terms of exit are determined and voted upon only by the remaining 27 countries - meaning that all those UKIP/Leave promises about what breaking with the EU would be

Buzzfeed Quiz. If he were an ice cream he’d be a Dilly Bar.

That’s in comparison to his current popularity, though. Any normal sort of reputation is going to look a bit stunted compared to the reputation he’s got for ASOIAF. I remember him as being not insignificant in SF during the 70s and 80s.

LOL. Nobody ever writes a book “every now and then for some cash.” There’s not enough money involved for it to be worth the effort, unless you’re some non-author celebrity who can afford to hire a ghostwriter. Most of the published authors you see in Barnes & Noble don’t get most of their income from writing — they

I completely agree with you. Although many of the posters here are very smart, they don’t necessarily come from a literary background so I don’t expect them to pick up on the more advanced thematic techniques that specifically Martin uses (as does King but to a lesser extent). I found the entire Meereen plot to be

I don’t think Martin “struggles” as much as he just really likes to world build instead of getting on with the plot. Mereenese knot my ass.

It’s particularly odd in that he wrote for TV for years and that’s one work environment that is completely unforgiving when it comes to meeting deadlines.

Now playing

Yup! Remember she pretended to be a different girl in order to kill Meryn Trant.

Did she though? Or is she in on it somehow? It was her that made the “suggestion” that Tyrell troops come to help rescue Margaery.

Oh, I can see the Brotherhood nabbing Brienne for LSH, I just can’t imagine why, when Brienne says “Well milady, your daughter Sanasa, who has accepted me into her service, asked me to see about borrowing an army off your uncle the Blackfish. Sansa wishes to use them to retake Winterfell from the evil prick who’s

Margaery IS Lady Olenna’s heir. She bested her grandmother. The student has become the master.

The waif seems a complete failure of the Faceless training method. She clearly makes things personal and must be holding on to something from her life. Not like the chill, clinical Jaqen. She actually seems quite unsuited for the supervisory position she has been given over Arya. Unless this whole thing is the waif’s

Iwant her to kill the Waif and somehow steal her face. It might not be possible, but it would be cool.

“One way or another, a face will be added to the wall”

Yes, it does seem to be coming up roses for Margaery.

So....all of a sudden, Jaime is gone to Riverrun with a large chunk of Lannister obedient forces with him, Cersei is alone. Margaery is free and there is a Tyrell army sitting in King’s Landing twiddling their thumbs....

"They'll bury your desk with awards, but they'll never work with you after that letter."