So the U.S. didn’t win the Cold War when Michaels set up Ronald Reagan’s game-winning goal against the USSR?
So the U.S. didn’t win the Cold War when Michaels set up Ronald Reagan’s game-winning goal against the USSR?
If Tate drops that ball after he hits the ground, I guarantee it’s ruled “no catch.” The NFL has no idea what a “catch” is.
I thought the Dez Bryant ball was a catch. I thought the Calvin Johnson ball was a catch. I did not think this was a catch. The NFL is just fucking with us.
That’s what happens when you have a Hobbit at wide receiver.
This is the closest I could think of
Thank god that kicker’s rugby instincts kicked in and he pitched the ball.
I bet it really was Belichick.
Kids like this kid:
I love the Witcher 3, but your review is the best I’ve ever read of it. Brilliant.
You shouldn’t have said all that shit about its friend, HitchBOT.
Wait, you don’t write for a tech blog? Then how come I keep putting egg yolks, butter, and lemon juice into my DVD drive to make hollandaise sauce?
So they stop doing all that during the season?
The umpire who saw it up close called it a legal play. Is that umpire also suspended? If it was an illegal play, it would have changed the subsequent outcome of the inning, but the game will not be resumed from that moment.
Now wait just a damn minute.... Shouldn’t there have been like, three commercial breaks during that segment?
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Thanks for the uplifting commentary, facw!
Well since ocean acidification is going cause mass fish extinction in the not so distant future, we may as well catch and eat all the fish we can now.