Goku still might win because he is Jesus (with infinite resurrections) in his universe. Batman only gets to die once and can’t fly. Guy is doomed.
Goku still might win because he is Jesus (with infinite resurrections) in his universe. Batman only gets to die once and can’t fly. Guy is doomed.
“I am happy to take money from everybody else to support my hobby.”
It loses every time it gets put to a refernedum. That’s why you never see staidum subsidies on referndums any more. Because the citizens do not like sports enough to pay for them if they have a choice.
1. don’t ruin my snarky speculation with your “numbers” and “facts”
The fact that the cut to the UW system matches the subsidy to the Bucks has to be an intentional fuck you, doesn’t it?
Thanks. That’s helpful.
What is the proper etiquette for referring to events involving trans people from before they were publicly trans? As in, if I wanted to talk about Caitlyn Jenner’s Olympic gold, would I refer to her as Bruce?
Are there similar overpays in other leagues for homegrown talent? I have absolutely no frame of reference for how ridiculous this is.
He’s definitely ignoring the barefoot part. I didn’t even think about them getting stepped on, I just remembered playing flag football without cleats on wet grass. If the person you are defending makes 1 cut, you fall down. It doesn’t matter if you are bigger/stronger/faster if you spend the whole game on your ass.
That question was almost exactly the same as asking how many runs a major league team would score at batting practice before they got 3 outs. I don’t know what that number is, but I know that there is no difference between me pitching and someone throwing meatballs on purpose.
Maybe Harper Lee just wanted to make the point that old people are racist. Even old Atticus Finch.
And Ray Bradbury has been trying to say for decades that Fahrenheit 451 wasn’t about censorship. You are both wrong.
Charlie Villanueva was 6-11! Damn. Certainly didn’t look it.
It should be split into two words when intended to indicate the literal fucking of mothers. For all other uses, motherfucker is one motherfucking word.
She was great. My pick might be Rapinoe, though. Dominated the first half. The only thing I could think at halftime was “Damn, that is one bad bitch.”
Nah. I think it’s just China and France. And the French jerseys look dope with the white colors on dark navy.
There hasn’t really been an ex-President in a position to do anything for a long time. Bush II was despised even by his own party (not even invited to fundraisers), Clinton was scandal ridden and needed to lay low, Bush I was old and never particularly popular and the right was mad about the tax thing, Reagan was…
I mean, you should probably be ashamed. Can’t speak for the rest of the South, though.
Mitt explains docking.
Harden sans beard: