
Where, then, are all these players when you try to, you know, find people to play with?

Dude in the # 1 Shadow.

I guess warning people about the paving was not their Forte.

Can it fit 3 cars seats in the back and do 0-60 in under 6secs?

I’m getting the WRX because it has an auto option.

Beau Townsend Nissan did this to my wife. This was the summer of 2015. She came home in a blue 2012 Altima. She stopped by the dealer and he gave her the car to test drive overnight. She recently had a ‘14 Altima as a loaner, so I had something to gauge the ‘12 by. It was a decent car, but fairly light on options, and

“I’m deciding between the Mirage and a Gulfstream....how do they compare my good sir?”

I had a similar experience. I was having my nissan serviced in an auto-mall type area. I liked BRZ/FR-S so I walked over to the subie dealer and looked around. I asked if they had a BRZ I could test drive, but they told me they had none. I found that strange.

I’m sorry to hear that, bro.

My guess is that you are not Asian. If you looked like an asian kid in his 20s, the dealership will treat you like you are going to buy two loaded M6 @MSRP price.

I once walked into a Kia dealership dressed in a Brioni suit, John Lobb shoes, and wearing a Patek Philippe watch. I was hoping to get long-term financing on a base model Rio but they just laughed and assumed I was too rich! Jerks! I walked out and went immediately to the neighboring Mitsubishi dealer where, to my

Man, that 911 looks weird.

I had a similar experience to you. I was fresh out of college and no one would give me the time of day. They saw a poor college kid with only a job offer letter and a lot of uncertainty. I went to a VW dealer and the salesman, Mr. Adolf Zoch, was incredibly kind, friendly, considerate, and willing to help me. I

Oh please tell me you told the salesguy in the second story, “Come on, do you really think you’re still going to get this sale?”

Same thing for me had 40K to spend on a new car I went to the audi dealership in Boise Idaho in my minivan after work. the salesman came up to me and when I asked about this new S4. he looked me right in my ocular sockets and said “I have a good used A6 up front”. when I asked about the interior of the S4 hinting i

I’ve had two. They were pretty minor.

Please don’t go to a Cars and Coffee event.

Before I bought my current Mustang GT, I was cross shopping between the Mustang, the Audi S3, and the BMW M235i. They were all comparably priced (mid-$40K range) and had comparable performance. I’m youngish for that price range (was 33 at the time), and it was a weekend, so I was dressed in relatively ratty jeans and

Mine is weak. Took my F-150 4x4 in for a rear differential humming sound at certain speeds. It was a 4:10 rear end and it came back with a 3.73. The first time I engaged/disengaged the 4x4, this loud bang sound occurred. Took it back...they said oops and got the right rear end. That’s it, lame and weak.

Is-is that a clean Air France jet?