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I love Aziz so much. But he will always be Racist Fruitseller to me. <3

yeah I figured. I've never set foot inside either but while they project the same douchey exterior, it's Abercrombie I always hear about being absolutely horrible in the news.

My mom just told me my sweet, shy 19 year old stepsister is going from working at Hollister to Abercrombie. :|

I can never not think of him that way. My husband likes to talk about how ripped he is on True Blood and I'm just like... but he's bro-date Brad!!

alternate take on Inglourious Basterds

Perhaps this gif is overused but I simply have no words. Good luck with all of that, pal.

I mean, at least the old one had that kind of Hanna Barbera thing going for it, this one is... I would say the opposite of whimsy? Ugly AND boring?

Those doctors are like the story of my life. I've gone through about 5 in the past 6 months for various issues and have just been dismissed and shoved out the door while my problems continue. I can't find a decent one, it's so frustrating!

I am young and in pretty good health, and for like 6 months I had an irregular heartbeat. It was so bad it would keep me up at night because the off-beat was so strong and it just felt horrible. I went to a cardiologist and had all kinds of tests and I saw the crazy jump documented right in front of me, and they

I mean at least it's not accompanied by the kid's real name and a creepy fake persona of them invented by their parents.

It's just creepy!! Cats can have twitter because they will never learn to speak English (sad though it is, I must accept my cats are not from planet Mau and can't do backflips to produce magical items and turn me into a sparkly planetary warrior) so their hilarious thoughts need to be translated by their human

but...but... is this not universally uncomfortable?!

I totally never noticed her dark circles at any point in Buffy! They can't have been that bad, haha. But she probably had plenty of expert makeup even from the start.

oh my god, hahahaha, I couldn't tell you as the thong is one thing I knew I would not like without having to try it, but I am interested to hear if this is part of the deal...

I wish I could meet more people in person who suffer from my zombie-eyed affliction, because I would feel so much more normal seeing it on other women. (Men just get to look like what they look like, of course.) I know there's plenty of us out there thanks to Jezebel but it seems like such an alienating experience

Feeling this so hard today. I've commiserated with many awesome jezzies before about my plight of severe dark circles - today was one of those days I just wanted to slap some makeup on and run out to do errands but my perma-black eyes decided they did not want to cooperate and I spent god knows how long caking on and

but, we're talking about this specific woman? who we have no cause to believe has an eating disorder? I feel like we're not even talking about the same thing.

I'm a 26 year old woman who never outgrew wearing briefs. I wear ones with a pretty lacy top, it's cool. But seriously - EVEN MY UNDERWEAR covers more butt than these! And there's just one thing I cannot comprehend. PERMA-WEDGIE! Why do women continue to choose to wear clothing which deliberately causes this?!

You may notice there wasn't actually anything in the article saying how great losing weight is, it was simply "hey look at this gif it is cool." Also, losing weight (to a healthy extent not an eating disorder extent) does not kill you like meth does?

I think we can strive to accept people as they are while also accepting that some people choose to set goals for themselves that involve physical change and be happy for their achievements too. I have a bit of "extra" weight that I have no interest in dropping because I'm happy with how I am and that isn't something