
This guy's clearly an asshole. But whenever I read stuff like this I just think god, it's a good thing I'm not having kids because I'm pretty sure I'd feel that way EVERY DAY. I'd just be shoving them at strangers trying to get them away from me.

I rarely care enough to click through to pictures but I could not imagine a blonde Kim Kardashian not looking absolutely horrible so I looked - and I like it too! I think because she kept it darker at the top, it's more like a lot of highlights than an all over bleach yellow which would look terrible on her. As it

I love this woman. Put her in all the shows!

haha I know, I've been so frustrated by all this nonsense I kind of let it ALL spill, even if no one can get through reading it I had to get all my frustrations out! tl;dr: recurring UTIs, doctors dismissing me, not giving me my test results, being generally horrible; antibiotics and supplements not preventing them

It might be too late in the night for me to make it out of the grays, but I'd like to give it a shot and try to source some knowledge from you lovely ladies on the dreaded UTI. Way long detailed story about my abuse at the hands of an incompetent medical system ahead.

I can get behind that. When people say moist I just think of cake, because seriously, who wants a dry cake?! Moist cake is delicious. Damp pretty much always refers to a moldy situation.

interloping wildlife is the most interesting thing that can happen in any sport.

Ross started out this sweet, romantic, charmingly neurotic nerd (with a monkey) and by the end he was a psychotic overblown caricature of himself.

I just have to say, not for the first time, that Lindy is by far my favorite thing on the internet and I do this as I come upon each gem of hilarity in her articles.

I am fairly positive that lemon juice does not bleach skin. So... Have fun sliming up your assholes with honey for no reason?

God damn this is a real couple's real wedding? Is everyone they know a model?!

I love the snake. And Kaonashi!

I'm weirdly in a situation where I moved to retail FOR the pay - middle management stuff. It's just brutal when your spouse and all your friends are on a normal schedule :/

When I worked 4 days a week Monday-Thurs I was so much happier. Now I'm back in retail and I have to work 7 days straight to get an almost weekend of Friday and Saturday. Sigh.

that's... a mental image.

This is gross, but.... can I get some fans to buy me furniture? I don't do porn but I make good cookies and sell a chai blend on etsy! GET ME BOOKSHELVES

My husband likes to roughhouse with our cats. I constantly tell him to cut it out but they ruin it as I'm chastising him by freaking loving it, the little masochists. They'll be purring their heads off and leaning in with delight while he pushes them around the floor with his foot / repeatedly pokes them / etc. But

This is how I want to die. I tell my husband all the time he better die last or I'll throw myself in front of a bus, but this would be preferable. There's a Greek myth about an old couple, Baucis and Philemon, who are granted a wish by Zeus and Hermes because they were the only people in their town not to turn the

I swear I am the only person to have 10 years of an interracial relationship under my belt and never received any crap from anyone about it. Not even strangers on the street, not even weird looks- that I've noticed, that is. We must be ridiculously lucky. But then, neither of us is black, and I think black people