the more these announcements come out the more I realized how entirely forgettable most of the secondary characters in Catching Fire were to me, cause I have no clue who that is.
the more these announcements come out the more I realized how entirely forgettable most of the secondary characters in Catching Fire were to me, cause I have no clue who that is.
I was at a karaoke party recently and someone sang this song. Seeing it all in writing, we were in tears. Somehow I never realized how truly absurd and wonderful it was.
Ahahahaha I love it!
gumdrop machine???? oh you mean the goblet?! hahaha! it's a ceramic goblet made by my friend. funny what a fuzzy low-light iphone picture becomes!
Sadly that seems to be the way things go... I've worked at a lot of places that I loved until I became one of their grunts and now will not set foot in again. :/
I even looked for disambiguation on Wikipedia in case there's another Tom Servo I don't know about...
OK, before you go husband-snatching, I do know and love Tom Servo.... but where on earth are you seeing him in this picture?!?! Is there an unknown robot in my house?!
Nothing terribly interesting I'm afraid! For the longest time my husband wanted one to put gold dollar coins in so it could be a proper treasure chest (before we were married I took a train in and out of the city to see him for a year and the machine always gave me those coins in change, which I found heavy and…
Ouch! I loved About A Boy!!
We've been married the same amount of time! I guess I might get there someday... hahaha
ETA: I mean me and you not me and Ina, lol.
My mom watched General Hospital when I was like pre-K. I can't believe it's still on!
I would not like my husband to only be home on the weekends though! I'm far too clingy. I'd be bribing him home with cookies all the time.
I LOVED Borders!!! B&N is not the same, man. And there aren't even any of those near me anymore. I'm glad you held on to something from them!
I have not actually read the novelization nor knew it existed, I just assumed it had to be awesome?
We have a couple of these Ikea things. My husband's purchase from before we were married, they are not my style but we used them for pantry space in our last apartment. I'm trying to phase them out for some nice furniture with a little more character, but for now they will do so I can have my precious books out of…
in the way that when two things that are too awesome meet they cause an awesome proximity explosion?
My goal in life is to become Ina Garten (I'm a baker.) Just hang out making awesome food and having fancy dinner parties in my fabulous garden with my fabulous old Broadway vet friends and make cakes and bacon sandwiches for my adoring husband who brings me cute little presents cause we're still adorable like that. …