
So gross. So because some schmuck in your office fancies himself Jim Halpert it must totally be your fault for being a decent friendly human being and trying to get along with people you have to see every day! I've had coworkers who knew I was seriously involved try to hit on me, and several friends in the same

I'm so sorry you went through that! I had a friend who couldn't even use tampons and had to have a hymenectomy - from what I understand it wasn't a huge procedure and went well for her, so maybe it would give you some relief now too if you do decide to do that!

That pdf was great! Makes me feel way more normal, since I never noticed having a hymen and had no pain with my first time. Makes me wonder why this is still such a great myth when it MUST be something all gynecologists know?? I mean, they must be able to see what the real situation is, even if the owner of the

It's cool! I like to think Jez is a safe space for lady-related TMI.

my first time was quite pleasant, which friends have assured me is weird. I mean, as I'm sure is the case with many teens, there was plenty of "other" action down there months before we got to the main event so maybe that had something to do with it?

I can't even wrap my mind around how gross and awful this is so I'm gonna go off on a tangent instead.

I actually dye my hair with henna, since I do have some natural blonde highlights it brings them out and makes them red and my hair SUPER shiny. People tell me all the time how shiny it is actually haha. Henna is the best!! After it fades from the first week or so you really only notice the color in the sunshine but

lucky blondes can go ginger so easily! I have brown hair so I'd have to bleach it first, too scary!

I think the sad secret is despite what Stacy and Clinton preach, you kinda do have to be rich to dress a non-fashion-norm body fabulously.

I am not quite as full in the bust as her but got lots of pear-shaped action. She knows what to do with those hips!!

she is so fabulous. I envy her ginger beauty and her ability to totally rock the body type that I struggle so much to dress!

I pretty much lost touch with a really close friend when I was young because I lost her number and felt weird asking for it? I had moved out of state and used to get together with a group of 3 friends every time I came back to visit but then it pretty much ended up just being two, and I swear I can't remember a good


Both sets of grandparents are religious in my family, but my dad's are upper crust Southern Baptists who don't discuss religion, and their kids are mostly agnostic I think, and my dad was the only one to divorce (one died, two still married.) My mom's parents are very Catholic and she and her brothers are more the

Hm, does not fit my anecdata. My divorced parents each had 3 siblings, and two of my mom's also divorced.

Yep. It does say that. Which I understood to at least be a part of their Romeo and Juliet themed photoshoot. It does not say that it's a play that they're currently putting on.

Ok I am confused. I don't know what a photo call is. Is this a play that is happening? Or did someone just decide to take some pictures of them as Romeo and Juliet for funsies? Also Orli busted his lip!

For real. I buy crappy disposable ones and use them for way too long because I just can't AFFORD decent blades!

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